Supplement Essay!?!

<p>How long should it be? It gives a minimum, but it's pretty low. I don't want it to be too short or too long. Any input?</p>

<p>Mine was right about 500 words I think. I was pretty happy with the length - it was long enough to cover everything I had to say.</p>

<p>in an admissions chat, one nd rep said 500 is pretty much the acceptable max.</p>

<p>^Seriously? Crud, mine was about 600, and it’s too late…Well, whatever, I never stood much chance for admittance anyhow.</p>

<p>Mine was about 650 words, and I was accepted. The essay limit is really to keep people from rambling on and on about how awesome they were. Edit it down as much as you can, but if it’s around 500-600 words, don’t concern yourself too much.</p>

<p>i agree w/ kevdude^^^
like u guys, mine was around 600 words</p>