Supplement length?

<p>Hey, everyone. I recently applied EA to CC, and my block plan essay was around 300 years, which in an email CC admissions told me was a good length. However, for the Why CC essay, it ended up around 700 words (!). I got pretty detailed, but I convinced myself that it was good and sent it in, but I am wondering how badly this will look to admissions officers!</p>

<p>For comparison, my “Why Colorado College” was exactly 600 words and my “Design your Own Block” was just under 300. I don’t remember any specific guidelines, but I felt comfortable with those two essays. Good luck! I don’t think either one of your word counts is ridiculous.</p>

<p>My “why cc” was around 450 whereas my block plan was almost 600. When I talked to a counselor, he said they didn’t want to put a limit on it to stifle creativity basically. I think as long as it is not more than a page, you’re fine. They really don’t want to read more than that. Also, if you were unnecesarily woordy, that’s no good but if it was direct and happened to have a lot of words, that’s fine. It just depends. What were your guys’ supplements on?</p>

<p>I designed a linguistics course for the Block Essay. Single-spaced, my Why CC essay is a little over a page. I basically explained why the Block Plan and the location speak to me. I actually think it’s pretty good.</p>

<p>I feel a lot more confident on my block plan one. I think it was a much easier topic.</p>

<p>Agreed… Well, not much we can do about it now! I’m excited to hear back from them next month, but concerned about finances.</p>

<p>Yeah same for me. I hope I am not rejected based off of my low EFC. Or low test scores. Ugg it’s a reach for sure. Do they inform us via email, mail, or on the base camp on the 12/22?</p>

<p>I know in years past it’s been the mail… Some people get it before, some after.</p>

<p>Did you take advantage of the alternative testing policy?</p>

<p>I almost did but in the end I decided to go with one composite ACT score. I would’ve submitted my math and english scores from one test and a reading score from a different one. I just opted to go with the composite because it had my strongest writing, english, and math. I wish they super score the act because then I would have a 32. Instead I am stuck with a 30. I have a very good GPA and ECs though so hopefully that can balance it out.</p>

<p>Have you guys been checking your application materials status on Base Camp? There is stuff I literally sent two or three months ago that still isn’t showing up. (And I know it’s not my fault because they received my application fee a week after my supplement… even though I submitted them at exactly the same time.) Is anyone else having this problem? Also- SgtDonut- you hear back next month? Are you ED?</p>

<p>EA. The notification date is 12/22 I think. And on my Base Camp, everything on the checklist is checked.</p>

<p>None of my counselor/teacher stuff is checked off that was submitted on the 15th. I have talked to them and they’ve received them even though they aren’t marked. I don’t think it’s normal for stuff to not show up after 2 months. What things aren’t checked off? I would call just to verify they have everything. There is a note saying as things come in it can take a while to be indicated on the base camp. If you submitted way before the 15th that seems crazy though…</p>

<p>Yes, definitely call them. I’m so excited to hear back from them, I love CC so much!</p>

<p>Thanks! It’s all the school stuff- transcript, teacher recommendations, etc.</p>

<p>If you are doing the common app online, you can check to see if they have downloaded it or not. If they have, you’re good.</p>

<p>I hadn’t thought to do that! Thanks!</p>