Supplement: The 3 multiple choice questions (Sorta)

<p>Alright, basically once I get these I'm submitting my app. Do these 3 questions affect admission at all? The questions I'm referring to are ...</p>

<p>While we recognize that many students' plans change during their college years, we ask you to respond to the following questions ( please choose one per question ):</p>

<p>How definite do you consider your academic plans to be?</p>

<p>Absolutely certain
Very likely to change</p>

<p>I have 2, 3 and 2 in that order. I think I'll stick to that.. but do you think these affect whether or not you get accepted? It's probably just me overreacting, but a response would be nice :)</p>

<p>I doubt they affect admissions in any way. I believe (don’t take this to heart) that there was some study that said ~90% of incoming Harvard freshman have decided on a major.</p>

<p>No effect whatsoever.</p>

<p>I doubt it’ll affect admission. I’m guessing it’s for statistical purposes, or the adcoms are just curious about whether or not you’re certain about your goals.</p>

<p>I think it does have some limited bearing on your admission. Adcoms try and fill all majors as much as they can, to create diverse groups of students. Therefore, if you’re more certain it allows them to be more certain that your major will at least have representation in that class. Especially at Harvard, they can’t really close departments, but they need also to make sure that at least a few of the chairs in the classroom are filled.</p>