Supplemental Application for Transfer students

@kesprxt probably not since its a small difference but ask your counselor and put the correct GPA on the supplemental application

Hey guys quick question about the supplemental app. Nowhere did it ask for specific grades in any of our “golden four” classes or major prep classes, right? From the looks of it they’re just basing our admission on our reported GPA, whether or not we completed the golden four, and whether or not we completed most or all of the major prep.

@kesprxt I believe they only use the supplemental app when reviewing applications so you’ll probably be fine. You should call the admissions office and ask just to make sure though.

It doesn’t ask for specific grades. They just want to know which of the golden four courses you’ve already completed and will complete by the end of Spring 2016, @sdsuaztecs. But you need to have a C or higher for all those courses. Also, thanks for your response to my question! :slight_smile:

@kesprxt Cool thanks a lot! Good luck to you