Supplemental Essay

<p>How long is this usually?</p>

<p>I’m not sure really… Do you mean the “Why Northwestern” essay? I seem to remember digging up somewhere on CC that there was an old limit of 500 words, but that isn’t the case now. I said what I had to say comfortably but concisely in 800 words if that helps you at all. I doubt that anything under 1000 would be offensive, but thats just my opinion.</p>

<p>Ok, mine ended up being around 700</p>

<p>mine was around 730… It was actually longer than my common app essay.</p>

<p>I’ve heard as long as it doesn’t seem long, as in it’s interesting and flows well, anything under 1000 goes.</p>

<p>^ yeah, since NU doesn’t specify length, don’t worry about it (within reason… obviously 1000+ words is a lot)</p>

<p>mine’s about 550 words; a friend of mine’s essay is about 700 words</p>

<p>i say if you can keep it to 2 pages, great… if not, about 800-ish should be a nice max</p>