<p>I am submitting three supplemental documents: a college transcript, a supplemental letter and a misc supplemental document. </p>
<p>Will these show up on the my.mit page when they are received? And if so, what will they appear as?</p>
<p>I just sent my college transcript and it feels like it is being sent into the void because the college did not give me a very detailed receipt either, only one that stated I had paid $5. </p>
<p>Will there be anything to assuage my worry that they will not be received or even worse have not been sent?</p>
<p>^My son read somewhere – I think it was within the instructions for how to submit a music supplement – that you will NOT hear back from them when they get your music supplement. They said they got too many music supps to be able to respond to all of them. I know what you mean, though … we’d like to KNOW that his stuff safely made it there! :)</p>
<p>Yea I share his same anxiety. </p>
<p>I have one more question. If I am submitting a supplement by mail that needs context can I give that context on the extra info on the application or should I send it with the supplement?</p>
<p>You could do either.</p>
<p>Thanks! I will do the former, it is much easier for me.</p>
<p>Thanks Mollie and Chris for all the help! You guys are really nice and are a great face (or avatar) for MIT admissions to have!</p>
<p>Also, I am submitting the information via mail. I understand it just has to be postmarked before Nov 1. Is this correct? Or does it have to be there before then?</p>
<p>I can fax it but I’d much rather prefer mailing.</p>
<p>Thanks for the kind words.
I feel compelled to note, of course, that Chris is actually the real deal; I’m just a former student blogger.</p>
<p>If you’re sending something by mail, it just needs to be postmarked on or before Nov 1. Then it’s the post office’s job to let neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night interfere with its journey to Cambridge.</p>
<p>Thanks again! I feel bad to annoy you with too many questions but I think this should be my last one before I submit.</p>
<p>I had a summer internship where I learned lab techniques and helped out at research institute. I didn’t do any research on my own but helped with the lab. Should I submit the box that says “I have submitted/will submit a letter from my research mentor or a brief description of my project.”? </p>
<p>I am submitting a letter from my mentor but I feel like this is only for people who really did research on my own. Should I just leave it unchecked and MIT will look at the letter when they get it?</p>
<p>Check it off. Research doesn’t mean you have to research your own topic, plenty of people just help an existing project like you did.</p>