I just received an email from ucla to provide supplemental information 2 questions and to report my senior year grades and I have exactly 1 week (feb 13) to complete and submit I enrolled for the 2015-2016 school year
I don’t know if its a good thing that I was asked for a supplement Becuase that means that I wasn’t sent to the yes pile of applicants but considering my stats I believe that I am borderline and it might be beneficial to me. other than my low gpa and low sats I really don’t know what triggered them
Can anyone help answer my question
And did anyone else receive one and got in and with what stats
I have a 4.2 w gpa and a 1540 SAT
Although, this is a forum for UC Berkeley, I’ll still comment Honestly, I was accepted with a supplement at UC Berkeley and the supplement is a great advantage. This is your point to shine and though your stats are a little below the average stats, the admission officer found something interesting in you and wants you to give him/her more proof and make him/her believe that you will an perfect addition to campus. Your gpa is great
,but it could be the SAT score that admissions might be curious about and why it’s a little low. So, explain the situation in which you took the SAT and point out the small weaknesses in your application and explain why those small weaknesses are there. Also, talk about your positive aspects and give examples of why you’ll be a perfect addition to the UCLA campus as a student
Good luck!
Yes, I got one a week ago and my sat score is about the same as you but my GPA is 4.0 weighted. Im just wondering if this means I have a chance at UCI…