supplemental rec?

<p>I know that Columbia discourages supplemental recs... unless the person knows you from research or a college course.</p>

<p>However, my theatre teacher has known me for 3 years, I've worked with him on school productions closely (as either the Stage Manager or Student Director) for 2 years, and currently I am doing an independent study course with him. I think a recommendation from him could really boost my application. I want to study Film Studies and/or Theatre Arts at Columbia anyways...</p>

<p>but would they hate me for having a supplemental rec from another HS teacher?</p>

<p>Or can one of my teacher recommendations be from him (even though he did not teach me in an "academic subject"?)</p>

<p>i want to say that just one additional item might be fine, but any place can be really anal when they say "please do not send us additional information". </p>

<p>there's a saying that my college guidance counselor gives: "the thicker the application, the thicker the candidate." ... implying that the admissions people might feel this way.</p>

<p>hmm maybe i will send a supplemental...</p>

<p>any other opinions?</p>