Supplemental Scholarship help!!!!

I am trying to apply for the Supplemental Scholarships through the website but I cannot get to the page to apply. If I am on the Scholarship page it leads me to the “check your application page” to log into my portal. After logging into my portal there is a box which talks about the supplemental scholarship application and has a link which leads back to the original scholarship page. I have already applied and the only thing needed to finish my application is SAT scores.

Sorry if format is odd I copied it from the email i sent them. I got and automatic email back saying that there wont be anyone to answer my email bc they are on break until january third which is after the deadline

im facing the same problem, please comment if you have found a solution

Did any of you guys find out how to access the application?

Plz respond asap

Yeah… you click the link in the portal and it automatically gets you to the scholarship application. Not sure what’s your issue, sorry.

Purdue extended the deadline for the supplemental scholarship application. I can now access it.