Supplementary Material Questions (help!)

<p>I am presently editing a soccer demo for all of my prospective college coaches. Is it too late to send such information?</p>

<p>My parents seem to believe it will aid my chances of admission as well. Will it? In addition, they want me to send a 5-6 min video of my speech on the topic of leadership (for NHS). Should I? They argue that it illustrates how articulate and handsome (...their words not mine, lmfao) that i am (or can be :P).</p>

<p>Any input is appreciated...thnx!</p>

<p>About the soccer demo: It couldn’t hurt to try. But that’s for college coaches to see, not admissions officers.</p>

<p>About the NHS, NO, NO, NO! I’m sorry, but I doubt that any admissions officer wants to watch a 5-6 minute video of you talking about leadership.</p>

<p>^^^i agree, i mean it IS good but still! thnks</p>