<li>How is your hair right now?</li>
<li>What color is your car?</li>
<li>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste?</li>
<li>Have you ever applied for welfare?</li>
<li>Are you ticklish?</li>
<li>Last time you saw a semi-truck?</li>
<li>Where did you last buy pizza from?</li>
<li>What song are you listening to right now?</li>
<li>Last person to give you a business card?</li>
<li>Do you have pretty eyes?</li>
<li>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher?</li>
<li>Are you high maintenance?</li>
<li>Describe the person of your dreams.</li>
<li>Favorite day of the week?</li>
<li>Date someone older or younger?</li>
<li>Are you closer to your mom or dad?</li>
<li>Biggest celebrity crush?</li>
<li>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?</li>
<li>Boxers or briefs?</li>
<li>Would you run from the police?</li>
<li>When did you last take a shower?</li>
<li>Would you rather touch or be touched?</li>
<li>Who did you last talk to?</li>
<li>Sunrise or sunset?</li>
<li>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?</li>
<li>Would you set yourself on fire?</li>
<li>Do you know how to drive a car?</li>
<li>What is your favorite sport to watch/play?</li>
<li>How tall are you?</li>
<li>Weekdays or weekends?</li>
<li>Do you have straight or curly hair?</li>
<li>Hug or kiss?</li>
<li>Are you a badass?</li>
<li>Do you like working out?</li>
<li>Did you like this survey?</li>
<li>How is your hair right now? hot mess</li>
<li>What color is your car? magenta</li>
<li>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste? mmmmmmm</li>
<li>Have you ever applied for welfare? with my bff precious</li>
<li>Are you ticklish? mmmhmm</li>
<li>Last time you saw a semi-truck? idk</li>
<li>Where did you last buy pizza from? sicily (sicily, wyoming that is)</li>
<li>What song are you listening to right now? i want it that way</li>
<li>Last person to give you a business card? wizard</li>
<li>Do you have pretty eyes? of course</li>
<li>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher? yes</li>
<li>Are you high maintenance? yes</li>
<li>Describe the person of your dreams. looks like the chrysler building</li>
<li>Favorite day of the week? tuesday since it rhymes with kumquat</li>
<li>Date someone older or younger? both</li>
<li>Are you closer to your mom or dad? my adopted brother iggy </li>
<li>Biggest celebrity crush? donald trump or martha stewart, depends on my mood</li>
<li>Where do you see yourself in 10 years? in my castle</li>
<li>Boxers or briefs? jockstrap</li>
<li>Would you run from the police? i’d gallop</li>
<li>When did you last take a shower? five months ago</li>
<li>Would you rather touch or be touched? bit</li>
<li>Who did you last talk to? my reflection, it was fun</li>
<li>Sunrise or sunset? moonlight</li>
<li>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? hot damn</li>
<li>Would you set yourself on fire? sure, i’m immortal anyway</li>
<li>Do you know how to drive a car? do shopping carts count?</li>
<li>What is your favorite sport to watch/play? dogwalking</li>
<li>How tall are you? 7’1"</li>
<li>Weekdays or weekends? years</li>
<li>Do you have straight or curly hair? my weave is unpredictable</li>
<li>Hug or kiss? grope</li>
<li>Are you a badass? MY MIDDLE NAME</li>
<li>Do you like working out? no, i don’t have to</li>
<li>Did you like this survey? my servant who filled it out for me did</li>
<li>How is your hair right now? messy from the wind outside</li>
<li>What color is your car? have non- my bike is bright red</li>
<li>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste? no, i prefer spearmint </li>
<li>Have you ever applied for welfare? no</li>
<li>Are you ticklish? yes very</li>
<li>Last time you saw a semi-truck? 10 min ago while i was walking back to my dorm</li>
<li>Where did you last buy pizza from? Girodano’s in chicago</li>
<li>What song are you listening to right now? Drake Over</li>
<li>Last person to give you a business card? A tutor that saw me frustrated at lamont library </li>
<li>Do you have pretty eyes? i dont think so </li>
<li>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher? i argue with them constantly in the form of debate</li>
<li>Are you high maintenance? semi-high maintenance </li>
<li>Describe the person of your dreams. beautiful, easy to talk too, funny, not overly critical </li>
<li>Favorite day of the week? thursday </li>
<li>Date someone older or younger? younger? just because i have never dated anyone older</li>
<li>Are you closer to your mom or dad? mom<br></li>
<li>Biggest celebrity crush? selena gomez</li>
<li>Where do you see yourself in 10 years? in an office doing some work</li>
<li>Boxers or briefs? both, depends on how i feel</li>
<li>Would you run from the police? no</li>
<li>When did you last take a shower? this morning</li>
<li>Would you rather touch or be touched? both, at the same time</li>
<li>Who did you last talk to? this random girl outside</li>
<li>Sunrise or sunset? sunrise</li>
<li>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? gosh i look ■■■■■■■■ </li>
<li>Would you set yourself on fire? no</li>
<li>Do you know how to drive a car? yes</li>
<li>What is your favorite sport to watch/play? watch: football play: basketball</li>
<li>How tall are you? 5’8</li>
<li>Weekdays or weekends?weekends</li>
<li>Do you have straight or curly hair? straight</li>
<li>Hug or kiss? hug (big germophob) dont want all that in my mouth</li>
<li>Are you a badass? no my ass is good</li>
<li>Do you like working out? yes i love working out</li>
<li>Did you like this survey? yes it got me something to do to procrastinate on reading stuff i need to read for tomorrow.</li>
<li>How is your hair right now? Clean</li>
<li>What color is your car? I don’t drive yet</li>
<li>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste? No</li>
<li>Have you ever applied for welfare? No</li>
<li>Are you ticklish? Yes</li>
<li>Last time you saw a semi-truck? I’m not sure</li>
<li>Where did you last buy pizza from? Again, not sure</li>
<li>What song are you listening to right now? Start by Masataka Nakagauchi</li>
<li>Last person to give you a business card? Tour guide</li>
<li>Do you have pretty eyes? I think so.</li>
<li>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher? More of a debate?</li>
<li>Are you high maintenance? Nope</li>
<li>Describe the person of your dreams. Artistic, sincere, kind, respectful, good sense of humor. Toned. Handsome.</li>
<li>Favorite day of the week? Saturday</li>
<li>Date someone older or younger? Older</li>
<li>Are you closer to your mom or dad? Mom</li>
<li>Biggest celebrity crush? Gackt</li>
<li>Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Performer (actress, musician, model, etc).</li>
<li>Boxers or briefs? Boxers</li>
<li>Would you run from the police? No</li>
<li>When did you last take a shower? This afternoon</li>
<li>Would you rather touch or be touched? …depends…</li>
<li>Who did you last talk to? My dad</li>
<li>Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise</li>
<li>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? I don’t remember…</li>
<li>Would you set yourself on fire? No</li>
<li>Do you know how to drive a car? No</li>
<li>What is your favorite sport to watch/play? Tennis</li>
<li>How tall are you? 5’ 1"</li>
<li>Weekdays or weekends? Weekends</li>
<li>Do you have straight or curly hair? Straight</li>
<li>Hug or kiss? Depends who</li>
<li>Are you a badass? Yup</li>
<li>Do you like working out? Sometimes</li>
<li>Did you like this survey? It was okay</li>
<li><p>Dyed blonde. Don’t ask why. </p></li>
<li><p>Car? Does an NYC subway car count? If so, it’s a dingy pi.ss-stained silver.</p></li>
<li><p>No. </p></li>
<li><p>No. It’s on my to-do list though. I’m gonna by my subway car some 20" rims with gubment money. </p></li>
<li><p>Extremely. One of the many reasons I hate being touched. </p></li>
<li><p>I don’t remember. </p></li>
<li><p>Nothing. I’m watching Bait Car on TruTV. </p></li>
<li><p>Some professor</p></li>
<li><p>No. </p></li>
<li><p>All the time. Arguing is a hobby. </p></li>
<li><p>Very high maintenance. </p></li>
<li><p>James Marsters and/or Chef Ramsay. </p></li>
<li><p>Always older. I have daddy issues. The older the better. </p></li>
<li><p>Mom. See above. </p></li>
<li><p>See anwser 13.</p></li>
<li><p>Porn star. Or more realistically, porn extra. </p></li>
<li><p>An hour ago</p></li>
<li><p>Ew. Neither. </p></li>
<li><p>My hair is fried</p></li>
<li><p>Not intentionally. </p></li>
<li><p>NYC = can’t drive. </p></li>
<li><p>Does swimming count as a sport?</p></li>
<li><p>Somewhere in between. </p></li>
<li><p>Slap on the ass. </p></li>
<li><p>No :(</p></li>
<li><p>Love it</p></li>
<li><p>My fingers are numb from this survey.</p></li>
<p>Oh surveys, you kill my boredom</p>
<li><p>How is your hair right now?
<li><p>What color is your car?
<li><p>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste?
god no, I’m pretty sure that’s how the devil brushes his teeth</p></li>
<li><p>Have you ever applied for welfare?
no, technically I’ve been on it but that’s my family, I’m too young to apply and I plan to avoid it</p></li>
<li><p>Are you ticklish?
<li><p>Last time you saw a semi-truck?
earlier today</p></li>
<li><p>Where did you last buy pizza from?
saturday I think</p></li>
<li><p>What song are you listening to right now?
Snuff, it makes me sad</p></li>
<li><p>Last person to give you a business card?
mmm…some college person or that project stay lady</p></li>
<li><p>Do you have pretty eyes?
they’re okay, I like 'em</p></li>
<li><p>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher?
oh yeah, quite a few</p></li>
<li><p>Are you high maintenance?
<li><p>Describe the person of your dreams.
It’s a reoccurring zombie named Red</p></li>
<li><p>Favorite day of the week?
Friday, but I can’t really tell the days of the week anymore</p></li>
<li><p>Date someone older or younger?
<li><p>Are you closer to your mom or dad?
mmm, depends on the issue since I’m pretty close to both</p></li>
<li><p>Biggest celebrity crush?
Ryan Reynolds</p></li>
<li><p>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
mechanical engineer, building things in TX, maybe starting a family</p></li>
<li><p>Boxers or briefs?
<li><p>Would you run from the police?
am I innocent?</p></li>
<li><p>When did you last take a shower?
<li><p>Would you rather touch or be touched?
<li><p>Who did you last talk to?
nephew as he passed by</p></li>
<li><p>Sunrise or sunset?
<li><p>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
I should do something with my hair</p></li>
<li><p>Would you set yourself on fire?
not intentionally</p></li>
<li><p>Do you know how to drive a car?
<li><p>What is your favorite sport to watch/play?
<li><p>How tall are you?
<li><p>Weekdays or weekends?
<li><p>Do you have straight or curly hair?
really thick hair that refuses to decide</p></li>
<li><p>Hug or kiss?
hug usually, kisses are cool too but some people just shouldn’t</p></li>
<li><p>Are you a badass?
Tattooed across my back is the saying “We all die in the end, I intend to deserve it”</p></li>
<li><p>Do you like working out?
not really actually, like going to the weight room kinda bugs me</p></li>
<li><p>Did you like this survey?
I heard it’s mother was a cheap whore</p></li>
<li><p>How is your hair right now?
<li><p>What color is your car?
<li><p>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste?
i like cinnamon everything</p></li>
<li><p>Have you ever applied for welfare?
<li><p>Are you ticklish?
yes everywhere</p></li>
<li><p>Last time you saw a semi-truck?
last night driving hella slow in the passing lane</p></li>
<li><p>Where did you last buy pizza from?
tgi fridays. it was nasty</p></li>
<li><p>What song are you listening to right now?
bang bang- dispatch</p></li>
<li><p>Last person to give you a business card?
a guy at pf changs</p></li>
<li><p>Do you have pretty eyes?
<li><p>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher?
yes. btchs</p></li>
<li><p>Are you high maintenance?
i dont think so…</p></li>
<li><p>Describe the person of your dreams.
educated, good-natured, nice arms, funny, confident, treats others like gold, humble, protective</p></li>
<li><p>Favorite day of the week?
<li><p>Date someone older or younger?
<li><p>Are you closer to your mom or dad?
about equal…mom i guess</p></li>
<li><p>Biggest celebrity crush?
chace crawford</p></li>
<li><p>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
you tell me…</p></li>
<li><p>Boxers or briefs?
for guys? boxers</p></li>
<li><p>Would you run from the police?
no lol</p></li>
<li><p>When did you last take a shower?
like ten minutes ago</p></li>
<li><p>Would you rather touch or be touched?
be touched</p></li>
<li><p>Who did you last talk to?
my mom</p></li>
<li><p>Sunrise or sunset?
<li><p>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
<li><p>Would you set yourself on fire?
<li><p>Do you know how to drive a car?
<li><p>What is your favorite sport to watch/play?
<li><p>How tall are you?
<li><p>Weekdays or weekends?
<li><p>Do you have straight or curly hair?
wavy but i straighten it sometimes</p></li>
<li><p>Hug or kiss?
both : )</p></li>
<li><p>Are you a badass?
no. lol</p></li>
<li><p>Do you like working out?
<li><p>Did you like this survey?
<li>How is your hair right now?
<li>What color is your car?
<li>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste?
<li>Have you ever applied for welfare?
<li>Are you ticklish?
It depends</li>
<li>Last time you saw a semi-truck?
<li>Where did you last buy pizza from?
<li>What song are you listening to right now?
No song, skyping with my friends!</li>
<li>Last person to give you a business card?
I don’t even remember if anybody ever gave me a business card</li>
<li>Do you have pretty eyes?
Yes, Bengali girls usually do ;)</li>
<li>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher?
I don’t remember, but I probably did at one point.</li>
<li>Are you high maintenance?
<li>Describe the person of your dreams.
dark hair, nice eyes, amiable, in touch with Asian culture, musical…</li>
<li>Favorite day of the week?
<li>Date someone older or younger?
<li>Are you closer to your mom or dad?
My ma.</li>
<li>Biggest celebrity crush?
Chris Pine (the one who played Captain Kirk in the newest Star Trek movie)</li>
<li>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Ending graduate school?</li>
<li>Boxers or briefs?
<li>Would you run from the police?
<li>When did you last take a shower?
Like half an hour ago</li>
<li>Would you rather touch or be touched?
I particularly like both</li>
<li>Who did you last talk to?
Andrew, Abe, and Caroline</li>
<li>Sunrise or sunset?
<li>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
What’s the crusty stuff under my eyes? Oh yeah the eyeliner I used yesterday that I DIDNT TAKE OFF.</li>
<li>Would you set yourself on fire?
<li>Do you know how to drive a car?
<li>What is your favorite sport to watch/play?
<li>How tall are you? 5’ 1’’ and 3/4</li>
<li>Weekdays or weekends?
<li>Do you have straight or curly hair?
<li>Hug or kiss?
<li>Are you a badass?
Matter of opinion</li>
<li>Do you like working out?
Running, yes. Weight lifting, no.</li>
<li>Did you like this survey?
Yes, as a matter of fact!</li>
<li>How is your hair right now? It’s actually well done. I was bored today so I took the time to moisturize it and straighten it.</li>
<li>What color is your car? ** I don’t have a car…yet! but when i do get one next year it will be purple and all pimped out! and i’ll put huge speakers in it and make it be able to bob up and down while i’ll cruise in it with the windows rolled down around town!
<li>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste? ** YES. It’s favorite. funny that you ask because i thought about it yesterday! </li>
<li>Have you ever applied for welfare? ** Nope. but a lot of the people my mom works with are on welfare …like 95% of them :[ since most of them are refugees from Somalia </li>
<li>Are you ticklish? very! </li>
<li>Last time you saw a semi-truck? ** huh? I see one everyday! this is minnesota lol </li>
<li>Where did you last buy pizza from? ** Dominoes</li>
<li>What song are you listening to right now? ** I’m not listening to anything right now</li>
<li>Last person to give you a business card? ** my hairdresser</li>
<li>Do you have pretty eyes? ** YES. It’s one of my features that I love the most and get compliments on since they’re really big, brown & almond shaped someone once called my eyes “arab eyes” </li>
<li>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher? ** nope. but i have had teachers get mad at me before but i find it extremely disrespectful to talk back to a teacher</li>
<li>Are you high maintenance? ** somewhat…but not really. But you could say yes…i am</li>
<li>Describe the person of your dreams. ** kind, thoughtful, has a good personality & most importantly funny**</li>
<li>Favorite day of the week? ** Saturdays! I like thursdays too </li>
<li>Date someone older or younger? ** Definitely older! I wouldn’t date a guy that’s younger than me. He’d definitely have to be older than me. </li>
<li>Are you closer to your mom or dad? ** My mom. She knows me inside and out but I don’t really get along with her But my dad is more homie and easier to get along with and talk to…he’s pretty cool. </li>
<li>Biggest celebrity crush? ** Jake Gyllenhaal and Channing Tatum atm. But before it used to be Drake, Christian Bale & Ryan Lochte</li>
<li>Where do you see yourself in 10 years? ** Being happy and hopefully married with a decent job Travelling the world and making a difference in the world while at the same time touching other people’s lives by doing small kind stuff for them…like visiting old or sick people…?</li>
<li>Boxers or briefs? </li>
<li>Would you run from the police? ** Probably not…I’m smart enough to know that I’d get in more trouble or look even more suspicious if i ran away from the cops or feds </li>
<li>When did you last take a shower? ** This morning</li>
<li>Would you rather touch or be touched? ** neither. i don’t like people touching me**</li>
<li>Who did you last talk to? ** my aunt**</li>
<li>Sunrise or sunset? sunsets </li>
<li>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? ** I need to get my eyebrows done again!</li>
<li>Would you set yourself on fire? ** never! that’s a phobia of mine. Why the hell would I want to live my life in the burn intensive unit in the hospital? That would just be depressing & extremely painful </li>
<li>Do you know how to drive a car? ** Yes.</li>
<li>What is your favorite sport to watch/play? ** Swimming or gymnastics</li>
<li>How tall are you? ** 5’7"</li>
<li>Weekdays or weekends? ** weekends </li>
<li>Do you have straight or curly hair? ** Curly but I put stuff in it to make it more straight…but it’s not so bad since my curly hair gives me more volume, thickness & volatility to my hair</li>
<li>Hug or kiss? ** hugs…im not very fond of exchanging saliva with somebody else</li>
<li>Are you a badass? ** Sometimes! I’ve done some bad things…lol.</li>
<li>Do you like working out? ** Sometimes… but if it’s fun then why not?</li>
<li>Did you like this survey? okay?</li>
<li>How is your hair right now? Wet lol.</li>
<li>What color is your car? White</li>
<li>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste? I’ve never tried it, but it sounds tasty lol.</li>
<li>Have you ever applied for welfare? No</li>
<li>Are you ticklish? Ridiculously so.</li>
<li>Last time you saw a semi-truck? This morning</li>
<li>Where did you last buy pizza from? Pizza Hut</li>
<li>What song are you listening to right now? Michael Jackson (from This is It, which I’m watching right now lol)</li>
<li>Last person to give you a business card? No clue.</li>
<li>Do you have pretty eyes? I’d prefer to describe them differently lol.</li>
<li>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher? All the time in middle school</li>
<li>Are you high maintenance? Yes.</li>
<li>Describe the person of your dreams. I tend to be realistic.</li>
<li>Favorite day of the week? Friday</li>
<li>Date someone older or younger? Younger</li>
<li>Are you closer to your mom or dad? Both.</li>
<li>Biggest celebrity crush? None.</li>
<li>Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Aerospace engineer probably working on an MBA to break into Wall Street.</li>
<li>Boxers or briefs? Boxer-briefs. Best of both worlds.</li>
<li>Would you run from the police? Haha, it really depends on the circumstances.</li>
<li>When did you last take a shower? 10 minutes ago.</li>
<li>Would you rather touch or be touched? Both.</li>
<li>Who did you last talk to? Some random guy at the resort pool</li>
<li>Sunrise or sunset? Sunset. Definitely sunset.</li>
<li>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? My hair needs fixing. Lol.</li>
<li>Would you set yourself on fire? Who wouldn’t?</li>
<li>Do you know how to drive a car? Yes. I also know how to fly a small plane.</li>
<li>What is your favorite sport to watch/play? American football.</li>
<li>How tall are you? 6’0</li>
<li>Weekdays or weekends? Weekends definitely.</li>
<li>Do you have straight or curly hair? Wavy.</li>
<li>Hug or kiss? At the same time.</li>
<li>Are you a badass? Oh absolutely.</li>
<li>Do you like working out? Yes. I go to the gym 3 times a week and run every other day.</li>
<li>Did you like this survey? Pfft, it sucks.</li>
<p>** 1. How is your hair right now? **</p>
<p>It’s fine.</p>
<p>** 2. What color is your car? **</p>
<p>I don’t personally own a car.</p>
<p>** 3. Do you like cinnamon toothpaste? **</p>
<p>** 4. Have you ever applied for welfare? **</p>
<p>** 5. Are you ticklish? **</p>
<p>I think that I somewhat am.</p>
<p>** 6. Last time you saw a semi-truck? **</p>
<p>I don’t know.</p>
<p>** 7. Where did you last buy pizza from? **</p>
<p>I believe that I purchased it at my local grocery store.</p>
<p>** 8. What song are you listening to right now? **</p>
<p>Kiss the Rain - Yiruma</p>
<p>** 9. Last person to give you a business card? **</p>
<p>I don’t believe that anyone has given me a business card before.</p>
<p>** 10. Do you have pretty eyes? **</p>
<p>That’s subjective.</p>
<p>** 11. Have you ever had an argument with a teacher? **</p>
<p>** 12. Are you high maintenance? **</p>
<p>I can be, but I suppose that depends on how you would define “high maintenance.”</p>
<p>** 13. Describe the person of your dreams. **</p>
<p>** 14. Favorite day of the week? **</p>
<p>Saturday or Sunday</p>
<p>** 15. Date someone older or younger? **</p>
<p>Either (although that depends on how much younger/older)</p>
<p>** 16. Are you closer to your mom or dad? **</p>
<p>I’ll go with my dad.</p>
<p>** 17. Biggest celebrity crush? **</p>
<p>I don’t possess one.</p>
<p>** 18. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? **</p>
<p>Hopefully I’ll be financially stable, doing what I love (whatever that may be).</p>
<p>** 19. Boxers or briefs? **</p>
<p>It doesn’t matter.</p>
<p>** 20. Would you run from the police? **</p>
<p>If I had not undergone an unlawful act and they intended to attack me, then I probably would. Aside from that exception though, I doubt that I would feel compelled to do that.</p>
<p>** 21. When did you last take a shower? **</p>
<p>I intend to take one after I post this.</p>
<p>** 22. Would you rather touch or be touched? **</p>
<p>I think that both occur at the same time. I’ll go with “touching” as opposed to “being touched” though. </p>
<p>** 23. Who did you last talk to? **</p>
<p>My dad</p>
<p>** 24. Sunrise or sunset? **</p>
<p>** 25. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? **</p>
<p>I’m not sure. </p>
<p>** 26. Would you set yourself on fire? **</p>
<p>** 27. Do you know how to drive a car? **</p>
<p>Well, I do have a permit.</p>
<p>** 28. What is your favorite sport to watch/play? **</p>
<p>I’m fond of watching soccer, football, tennis, and basketball.</p>
<p>** 29. How tall are you? **</p>
<p>I believe that I’m an inch shorter than the average height.</p>
<p>** 30. Weekdays or weekends? **</p>
<p>** 31. Do you have straight or curly hair? **
It depends on what I do to it.</p>
<p>** 32. Hug or kiss? **</p>
<p>** 33. Are you a badass? **</p>
<p>** 34. Do you like working out? **</p>
<p>No, in general it seems painful. </p>
<p>** 35. Did you like this survey **</p>
<p>Sure, it was something to do.</p>
<li>How is your hair right now? Poofy</li>
<li>What color is your car? Don’t own one</li>
<li>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste? No.</li>
<li>Have you ever applied for welfare? No.</li>
<li>Are you ticklish? Yes.</li>
<li>Last time you saw a semi-truck? Don’t remember. Probs Friday.</li>
<li>Where did you last buy pizza from? Dewey’s.</li>
<li>What song are you listening to right now? None. The Office is on though.</li>
<li>Last person to give you a business card? Excel guy.</li>
<li>Do you have pretty eyes? Erm, I guess so.</li>
<li>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher? No.</li>
<li>Are you high maintenance? Probs.</li>
<li>Describe the person of your dreams. Intelligent, funny, tall, concerned with social justice, culturally aware, culturally literate, reasonably attractive.</li>
<li>Favorite day of the week? Saturday.</li>
<li>Date someone older or younger? Older.</li>
<li>Are you closer to your mom or dad? Mother.</li>
<li>Biggest celebrity crush? 이민호, at current.</li>
<li>Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Sad and alone. JK. Eurm, I have no idea.</li>
<li>Boxers or briefs? Female.</li>
<li>Would you run from the police? No.</li>
<li>When did you last take a shower? Late May. I prefer baths.</li>
<li>Would you rather touch or be touched? Touch.</li>
<li>Who did you last talk to? My sister. She’s right over there.</li>
<li>Sunrise or sunset? Sunset.</li>
<li>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? Eurm, don’t remember.</li>
<li>Would you set yourself on fire? No. . . .</li>
<li>Do you know how to drive a car? No.</li>
<li>What is your favorite sport to watch/play? None.</li>
<li>How tall are you? 5’1.5"</li>
<li>Weekdays or weekends? Weekends</li>
<li>Do you have straight or curly hair? Eurm, neither?</li>
<li>Hug or kiss? Hug.</li>
<li>Are you a badass? No. I am a BAMF. Okay, actually not.</li>
<li>Do you like working out? No.</li>
<li>Did you like this survey? Not really, TBH.</li>
<li>How is your hair right now? Disheveled ponytail</li>
<li>What color is your car? Brownish gold/goldish brown</li>
<li>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste? Ew, no</li>
<li>Have you ever applied for welfare? No</li>
<li>Are you ticklish? Definitely</li>
<li>Last time you saw a semi-truck? Today… Yesterday?</li>
<li>Where did you last buy pizza from? The place near my grandma’s</li>
<li>What song are you listening to right now? 2/1</li>
<li>Last person to give you a business card? I have no idea</li>
<li>Do you have pretty eyes? You could say that</li>
<li>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher? Most definitely</li>
<li>Are you high maintenance? In some ways, yes</li>
<li>Describe the person of your dreams. Nice, confident, good looking, genuine</li>
<li>Favorite day of the week? Friday</li>
<li>Date someone older or younger? Older</li>
<li>Are you closer to your mom or dad? Mom</li>
<li>Biggest celebrity crush? Too many to choose from</li>
<li>Where do you see yourself in 10 years? No idea</li>
<li>Boxers or briefs? …boxers?</li>
<li>Would you run from the police? No</li>
<li>When did you last take a shower? Yesterday</li>
<li>Would you rather touch or be touched? Excuse me?</li>
<li>Who did you last talk to? My mom</li>
<li>Sunrise or sunset? Sunset</li>
<li>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? I honestly don’t remember</li>
<li>Would you set yourself on fire? No…</li>
<li>Do you know how to drive a car? I think</li>
<li>What is your favorite sport to watch/play? Watch baseball, play tennis</li>
<li>How tall are you? 5’5" ish</li>
<li>Weekdays or weekends? Weekends</li>
<li>Do you have straight or curly hair? Straight</li>
<li>Hug or kiss? Both</li>
<li>Are you a badass? No</li>
<li>Do you like working out? I suppose</li>
<li>Did you like this survey? Meh</li>
<li>How is your hair right now?
In need of a trim</li>
<li>What color is your car?
My mom’s will soon be mine, so gray/silver/whatever</li>
<li>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste?
That sounds disgusting</li>
<li>Have you ever applied for welfare?
<li>Are you ticklish?
<li>Last time you saw a semi-truck?
Today probably</li>
<li>Where did you last buy pizza from?
Pizza place by my friend’s house</li>
<li>What song are you listening to right now?
Some Greek song, heh</li>
<li>Last person to give you a business card?
A lady at a CUNY thing</li>
<li>Do you have pretty eyes?
They’re brown…</li>
<li>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher?
<li>Are you high maintenance?
Maybe a tad</li>
<li>Describe the person of your dreams.
Indescribable </li>
<li>Favorite day of the week?
Friday and Saturday</li>
<li>Date someone older or younger?
Doesn’t matter</li>
<li>Are you closer to your mom or dad?
<li>Biggest celebrity crush?
Not sure</li>
<li>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Working hopefully</li>
<li>Boxers or briefs?
<li>Would you run from the police?
I have</li>
<li>When did you last take a shower?
Half an hour ago</li>
<li>Would you rather touch or be touched?
Both haha</li>
<li>Who did you last talk to?
My friend</li>
<li>Sunrise or sunset?
<li>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
I have no idea</li>
<li>Would you set yourself on fire?
I’ve set my hair on fire if that counts</li>
<li>Do you know how to drive a car?
<li>What is your favorite sport to watch/play?
Baseball and baseball</li>
<li>How tall are you?
5’8" ish</li>
<li>Weekdays or weekends?
<li>Do you have straight or curly hair?
<li>Hug or kiss?
<li>Are you a badass?
<li>Do you like working out?
Do I like doing it… no</li>
<li>Did you like this survey?
Killed some time</li>
<p><em>attends to part of the answers</em></p>
<li><p>How is your hair right now?
It’s always better in the evening. I wear a ponytail and the right strands fall out over time and my hair looks good that way, but I can’t fix it like that.</p></li>
<li><p>What song are you listening to right now?
“Mexico” by Incubus</p></li>
<li><p>Do you have pretty eyes?
Everyone has pretty eyes</p></li>
<li><p>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher?
Feels like it, but actually no</p></li>
<li><p>Are you high maintenance?
Yeah, if I don’t get at least five “Good Morning Ma’am” in at least three different languages plus one Provolone cheese omelette with 1 tbsp. of Parmesan within fifteen minutes of waking up every morning, I throw a hissy fit</p></li>
<li><p>Favorite day of the week?
<li><p>Would you run from the police?
…Depends on what I did</p></li>
<li><p>When did you last take a shower?
Let’s just say I shower less during the summer as opposed to the school year</p></li>
<li><p>Sunrise or sunset?
<li><p>Would you set yourself on fire?
No, but one of my favorite song lyrics ever goes: “When there’s nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire.”</p></li>
<li><p>Weekdays or weekends?
Who picks weekdays, honestly?</p></li>
<li><p>Do you have straight or curly hair?
Irritatingly wavy</p></li>
<li><p>Did you like this survey?
I’d like more abstract questions, but like most surveys it was a decent time-killer</p></li>
<li>How is your hair right now?
–It’s there. So it’s alright I guess.</li>
<li>What color is your car?
<li>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste?
–Never tried it</li>
<li>Have you ever applied for welfare?
<li>Are you ticklish?
<li>Last time you saw a semi-truck?
<li>Where did you last buy pizza from?
<li>What song are you listening to right now?
–Not listening to music right now</li>
<li>Last person to give you a business card?
–I dont know</li>
<li>Do you have pretty eyes?
–People say I do :)</li>
<li>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher?
<li>Are you high maintenance?
<li>Describe the person of your dreams.
–beautiful, at least somewhat smart!, good sense of humor, preferably Catholic, not skanky</li>
<li>Favorite day of the week?
<li>Date someone older or younger?
<li>Are you closer to your mom or dad?
<li>Biggest celebrity crush?
–Jessica Alba</li>
<li>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
–Either working or in grad school</li>
<li>Boxers or briefs?
–Depends. lol</li>
<li>Would you run from the police?
–If I had a reason to.</li>
<li>When did you last take a shower?
–This morning</li>
<li>Would you rather touch or be touched?
<li>Who did you last talk to?
–My sister</li>
<li>Sunrise or sunset?
<li>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
–I didn’t think anything. haha</li>
<li>Would you set yourself on fire?
<li>Do you know how to drive a car?
<li>What is your favorite sport to watch/play?
<li>How tall are you?
<li>Weekdays or weekends?
<li>Do you have straight or curly hair?
<li>Hug or kiss?
–If it’s a girl I like, both. Other than that, hug.</li>
<li>Are you a badass?
–Totally. I’m on CC.</li>
<li>Do you like working out?
<li>Did you like this survey?
–Yeah. It took some time off my hands.</li>
<li>How is your hair right now? Wet </li>
<li>What color is your car? light blue- green </li>
<li>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste?No </li>
<li>Have you ever applied for welfare?No</li>
<li>Are you ticklish? yes</li>
<li>Last time you saw a semi-truck? 15 days ago</li>
<li>Where did you last buy pizza from? Felippi’s Pizzeria</li>
<li>What song are you listening to right now? </li>
<li>Last person to give you a business card? Some random guy at a fabric store </li>
<li>Do you have pretty eyes? I think so</li>
<li>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher? once </li>
<li>Are you high maintenance? A tiny bit </li>
<li>Describe the person of your dreams. Tall, handsome, gentleman, athletic, smart </li>
<li>Favorite day of the week? Saturday</li>
<li>Date someone older or younger? Older</li>
<li>Are you closer to your mom or dad? Equal </li>
<li>Biggest celebrity crush? David Archuletta </li>
<li>Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Working on getting my Ph. D </li>
<li>Boxers or briefs? Ummmm…</li>
<li>Would you run from the police? not unless I have to </li>
<li>When did you last take a shower? 1 hour ago </li>
<li>Would you rather touch or be touched? be touched </li>
<li>Who did you last talk to? My mom </li>
<li>Sunrise or sunset? sunrise </li>
<li>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? What happened to my hair???</li>
<li>Would you set yourself on fire? No</li>
<li>Do you know how to drive a car?No </li>
<li>What is your favorite sport to watch/play? Watch tennis/ run cross country/ track</li>
<li>How tall are you? 5’2’'</li>
<li>Weekdays or weekends? Weekends</li>
<li>Do you have straight or curly hair? Curly </li>
<li>Hug or kiss? Hug </li>
<li>Are you a badass? not really </li>
<li>Do you like working out? Love 2 work out</li>
<li>Did you like this survey? Totally</li>
<li><p>How is your hair right now?
Kinda Dirty</p></li>
<li><p>What color is your car?
Don’t have one; mom’s car is gold.</p></li>
<li><p>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste?
no. I only use mint.</p></li>
<li><p>Have you ever applied for welfare?
With my ■■■■■■■■ sister Dee.</p></li>
<li><p>Are you ticklish?
Yes, very. :(</p></li>
<li><p>Last time you saw a semi-truck?
I don’t know what that is.</p></li>
<li><p>Where did you last buy pizza from?
Pizza Hut. :D</p></li>
<li><p>What song are you listening to right now?
Bones by Radiohead</p></li>
<li><p>Last person to give you a business card?
Some lady I talked to about volunteering at some day camp during the summer. I never worked out. Thankfully.</p></li>
<li><p>Do you have pretty eyes?
I think so. They’re too small though. :(</p></li>
<li><p>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher?
Yes, in 8th grade. I refused to give her my notebook after she caught me drawing in it while we were supposed to be taking notes.</p></li>
<li><p>Are you high maintenance?
I dunno. Kind of. I have OCD. But it’s not my fault. Obviously.</p></li>
<li><p>Describe the person of your dreams.
Good looking, caring, funny, can put up with my OCD, atheist (preferably), liberal, not sexist, likes to be sarcastic, at least somewhat smart.</p></li>
<li><p>Favorite day of the week?
<li><p>Date someone older or younger?
<li><p>Are you closer to your mom or dad?
Mom. Even though she’s a bigot.</p></li>
<li><p>Biggest celebrity crush?
Robert Downey Jr.
Jon Stewart
OMG @_@</p></li>
<li><p>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
NYC. Engineer.</p></li>
<li><p>Boxers or briefs?
Boxers. Briefs are gross and look weird and are a total turn-off.</p></li>
<li><p>Would you run from the police?
<li><p>When did you last take a shower?
Oh boy.</p></li>
<li><p>Would you rather touch or be touched?
Be touched.</p></li>
<li><p>Who did you last talk to?
My mom…</p></li>
<li><p>Sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise. Especially at 5am during the summer when I’m about to go to sleep.</p></li>
<li><p>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
I need to brush my teeth.</p></li>
<li><p>Would you set yourself on fire?
<li><p>Do you know how to drive a car?
No. It’s not fair…</p></li>
<li><p>What is your favorite sport to watch/play?
Watch: Baseball. (GO YANKEES)
Play: Ice Skating :P</p></li>
<li><p>How tall are you?
<li><p>Weekdays or weekends?
<li><p>Do you have straight or curly hair?
Wavy, mainly. I can manipulate it to be curly though. :D</p></li>
<li><p>Hug or kiss?
Hug. I’ve never kissed anyone. :(</p></li>
<li><p>Are you a badass?
Yes. I am PRO.</p></li>
<li><p>Do you like working out?
Never worked out.</p></li>
<li><p>Did you like this survey?
<li>How is your hair right now? Waist-length, unbrushed, and coconut-scented</li>
<li>What color is your car? Invisible</li>
<li>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste? No. Spearmint FTW!</li>
<li>Have you ever applied for welfare? Nope.</li>
<li>Are you ticklish? Yup.</li>
<li>Last time you saw a semi-truck? Can’t remember.</li>
<li>Where did you last buy pizza from? Big Mama’s and Papa’s</li>
<li>What song are you listening to right now? All I Want by Joni Mitchell</li>
<li>Last person to give you a business card? Guerin Barry: Actor and Polyphonic Whistler</li>
<li>Do you have pretty eyes? Like two big ol’ blueberries.</li>
<li>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher? Constantly. Including (but not limited to) professors at colleges I don’t attend in classes in which I was not enrolled.</li>
<li>Are you high maintenance? No. Very low maintenance. Ideal hippie chick.</li>
<li>Describe the person of your dreams. Laid back, realistic, long-haired guitarist</li>
<li>Favorite day of the week? Saturday</li>
<li>Date someone older or younger? Older (preferably born in the 80s)</li>
<li>Are you closer to your mom or dad? Both, but dad in terms of personality</li>
<li>Biggest celebrity crush? Christian Bale. I don’t care if he’s an ass; he’s hot and talented and Welsh.</li>
<li>Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Getting my PhD from U of Chicago and moving into a cave in Utah</li>
<li>Boxers or briefs? String bikinis. :)</li>
<li>Would you run from the police? No, I’m too lazy.</li>
<li>When did you last take a shower? This morning.</li>
<li>Would you rather touch or be touched? Oh gawd, both.</li>
<li>Who did you last talk to? My WoW-addicted house guest.</li>
<li>Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise</li>
<li>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? Damn, I’m not too bad.</li>
<li>Would you set yourself on fire? Nowai</li>
<li>Do you know how to drive a car? Nope</li>
<li>What is your favorite sport to watch/play? Is FPS a sport?</li>
<li>How tall are you? 5’10’'</li>
<li>Weekdays or weekends? Weekends</li>
<li>Do you have straight or curly hair? Kind of in the middle.</li>
<li>Hug or kiss? Hug. I enjoy kissing, but if I think about it too hard, I realize how awkward it is and that ruins it.</li>
<li>Are you a badass? No, just snarky. I’m too lazy to be badass.</li>
<li>Do you like working out? Hell no.</li>
<li>Did you like this survey? No, I’m distracted from my reading.</li>
<li>How is your hair right now? Messy, in need of showering.</li>
<li>What color is your car? I drive my mom’s car = silver.</li>
<li>Do you like cinnamon toothpaste? No.</li>
<li>Have you ever applied for welfare? No?</li>
<li>Are you ticklish? Yes.</li>
<li>Last time you saw a semi-truck? Yesterday</li>
<li>Where did you last buy pizza from? The Loop Pizza & Grill. :o</li>
<li>What song are you listening to right now? Gin&Juice - Snoop Dogg.</li>
<li>Last person to give you a business card? Probably my gym…lol.</li>
<li>Do you have pretty eyes? If you think so.</li>
<li>Have you ever had an argument with a teacher? Haha, yes.</li>
<li>Are you high maintenance? Depends.</li>
<li>Describe the person of your dreams. Intelligent, Pretty, Good Sense of Humor</li>
<li>Favorite day of the week? Saturday</li>
<li>Date someone older or younger? Same age</li>
<li>Are you closer to your mom or dad? Mom.</li>
<li>Biggest celebrity crush? None.</li>
<li>Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Out of school with a nice job and maybe starting a family or having a relationship.</li>
<li>Boxers or briefs? Boxer-Briefs.</li>
<li>Would you run from the police? No…I wouldn’t do anything that would encourage me to run from the police.</li>
<li>When did you last take a shower? Midday yesterday.</li>
<li>Would you rather touch or be touched? Depends on many things…</li>
<li>Who did you last talk to? Leila…on skype. rofl.</li>
<li>Sunrise or sunset? Sunset. </li>
<li>When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? I am ugly as hell.</li>
<li>Would you set yourself on fire? …No?</li>
<li>Do you know how to drive a car? Yes, quite well actually.</li>
<li>What is your favorite sport to watch/play? Watch: Hockey, Play: Baseball</li>
<li>How tall are you? 5’7</li>
<li>Weekdays or weekends? Weekends</li>
<li>Do you have straight or curly hair? Straight</li>
<li>Hug or kiss? both. :]</li>
<li>Are you a badass? fosho.</li>
<li>Do you like working out? Not usually, but I am today…I need to.</li>
<li>Did you like this survey? No it sucked.</li>