Survey of CC users who are currently in long-term relationships (>6 months)

<p>1) How many hours per week do you spend talking?
2) Of the time you spend talking, what percent do you spend talking about common interests (politics, sports, music etc), and what percent is about stuff going on in your lives?
3) (optional) Please rate the overall quality of your relationship on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best and 1 being the worst.</p>

<p>My long-term relationship with CC:

  1. 3-4 hours per day
  2. All of those 3-4 hours
  3. 1</p>

<p>Realistically, I’m not in a long-term relationship:) haha
What about you?</p>

<p>O wait, I guess mine doesn’t apply. I joined in June.</p>

<p>I’m not in one either :slight_smile: but I have data from two couples who are/were</p>

<p>I just broke up with a guy I’d been dating for a few weeks because we had nothing in common, so I’m curious to see how common interests affect other people’s relationships.</p>

<p>O ok, that makes sense. Sorry to hear about that:/</p>

<p>We’re not quite six months but whatever</p>

<p>1) About an hour each day, over various mediums (text, phone, IM)
2) I’d say it’s about an 80/20 split (Stuff going on / common interests). We talk about our days, how we miss each other, what we wanna do when I get back for Thanksgiving, etc.
3) 10. I’ve been 100% faithful to her and she’s been 100% faithful to me. We’re always there for each other. Talking to her is often the highlight of my day, and vice versa. I wish I had a time machine so these next two weeks would fly past.</p>

<p>edit: We’ve been doing that for about two months. We’ve been together five.</p>

<p>edit2: We do have common interests (we’re both nerdy, we both like similar kinds of music, we both like going out on nice days and taking photos, etc) but those aren’t the only things that affect your relationship. It’s interests, personality types, what you expect out of the other… etc.</p>

<p>1) 15-25+ hrs/week, depending on how much we hang out on the weekend. But we talk a lot over the phone. Like, 2 hrs/day depending on how much studying we each have to do. </p>

<p>2) Maybe 70% / 30%. It really depends on what went on that particular day and if we have fun stories to swap. </p>

<p>3) 9/10 lol. We’re not really so sentimental as to think that we’re perfect for each other, but I think we’ve done pretty well so far despite several fights.</p>

<p>almost 2 years and a month</p>

<p>We probably talk 2 hours or so on the phone each day spread out, we spend our lunches together, and we are partners in all the classes we have together.
We almost always talk about common interests, but that overlaps a lot with what is going on in our lives.
I would say our relationship is a 9 because we are both growing emotionally and mentally and moving in the direction of a 10.</p>

<p>Long term and long-distant relationship (about 11 months) </p>

<p>1) 1-2hours, we don’t chat a lot because of time difference
2)90% about our lives and 10% about other stuff
3) 9.999 the only thing that’s missing is that he’s not here :(</p>