Survival Skills

<p>My son has been accepted into the International Marketing and Finance program and he's very interested in Miami. I'm a little concerned though, because it's larger than the other schools he's considering. </p>

<p>He's a pretty good student, but not exactly a self-starter. Is Miami the type of place where you need to be extremely self-reliant and motivated to succeed? Is it easy to slip through the cracks? </p>

<p>Also, how difficullt is it to find your way socially? He's got lots of friends, but he's also a little shy.</p>

<p>I’ll be completely honest here.</p>

<p>Coming to Miami I thought I would have trouble doing work…and then found I do my work better outside than I do inside. SO in terms of needing to be self-reliant, I’m not so sure that’s a major issue.</p>

<p>However, socially, it really all depends. If you’re shy and on a floor with some kids you meet the first day then it can be great. Join clubs and activities to get to know others better. It REALLY helps! </p>

<p>But I know with a lot of kids on the shy side…UMiami can at times be a bit intimidating. There are a lot of jocks at the school (although not a majority really) and a lot of kids who are quite confident, even cocky. So in some circumstances it could be intimidating–as well, the social life that involves alcohol involves clubs, bars and frats…all that involve confident guys and beautiful girls.</p>

<p>Lastly, I will say that the above is a generalization. I know tons of guys who are shy, into other things besides sports and generally don’t party, and they have found tons of friends. Miami does a great job at welcoming freshmen and making them feel at home as there are only 2 freshmen dorms. There are soo many activities with your floor and dorm that really do make it feel like home.</p>

<p>and sorry for using “involve” way too many times. Hope that helps. feel free to message me.</p>