<p>If I got suspended from high school after I applied to colleges, will the colleges I applied to be learning about this?</p>
<p>You are in delicate situation. The suspension happened during the spring sesmester right ? That means the transcript is already sent and it won’t be in there because it hadn’t happened yet. But your HS will send a final transcript (to be prove you graduated) and your suspension will raise a major alert. Your new school may recind your admission (pending a good explanation from you). That is the worse situation for you because you would have committed to that school and live by its decision. My suggestion is to come clean now and write a letter to admission explaining your situation and hope for the best.
A second advice is if the offense is not so terrible - I leave to you to judge that - you may want to wait for decision time and then write to the schools you are accepted and tell them about the incident. If the offense is not so excusable, I will come clean, now.</p>
<p>What was the suspension for? Have you or your parents appealed it? Seen if it can be expunged with comm. service or rehab or whatever?</p>
<p>Well we’ll see. I applied to 12 schools. Have been accepted to two. I’m really not sure where I will end up going. Nor am I sure that the suspension will be on the final report. I was caught drinking at a party. The school will probably find out about it and it is to be seen what, if any, action they will take. Ugh.</p>
<p>I would wait until you get all your acceptances and have narrowed your choices down to two or three. I would ask the school what they are going to report. High school drinking violations (especially if it wasn’t ON school property) really don’t even make it on the radar for colleges. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. Yes, you might get a stray Admissions Rep who finds it objectionable, but the odds are greatly against that. They expect high school kids to experiment. I don’t mean to make light of this, because a suspension still has to be explained (probably) and handled with humility, but it is NOT a deal-breaker. Stay out of trouble for the rest of the year!</p>
<p>That makes me feel a lot better. Nice name to boot.</p>
<p>My D goes to public HS and they do not do anything re drinking unless on school property. I know this is not what you want to hear, but you might want to give your parents a heads up if they dont know yet. When these things hit the fan, you are far better off having them in your corner. The minute it does hit the fan, tell your parents immediately. Please trust me on this. Yes they will be angry, but if anyone can negotaiate to keep this off your record, it must be done quckly.</p>
<p>Do you go to a public school? Is that even legal for the to suspend you for doing something at a non high school event? What business of it of your high school to discipline you?</p>
<p>Which again, is why OP should talk to his parents. At this years homecoming dance, there were a number of kids drunk. They all claimed they had drank at home. They were sent home. I dont take drug or alchohol abuse lightly (and my D has never been suspended), but it burns me that our legal system deals with these issues less severly than our schools. If some kid is drunk, the most he would get (where I live) is Youthful Offender status and it will go away. Maybe this is different, as my D goes to a public school, but the last think in the world I want is some kid sitting in class next to my D who has been suspended and now thinks he cant get into any college, so he is going to annoy the rest of the kids (or worse). The punishment is too harsh – suspension for drinking.</p>
<p>MoWC’s advice is great but get your parents on board immediately.</p>
<p>My parents know about it. My dad picked me up from the police station. I go to a public high school. The officer was kind of a prick and kept telling me I wouldn’t be playing lacrosse this year and stuff, so that’s why I was worried the school would get involved.</p>
<p>Technically where my D goes to school there is a zero tolerance rule re drinking smoking for sports. Does not go on transcript though. If it were really enforced, we’ld have no teams.</p>
<p>on most applications, i am pretty sure that you signed off on the fact that you would alert colleges if anything changed, i.e. getting suspended from school. it is up to you, but a school could rescind an acceptance once they learn you withheld information from them</p>
<p>Even if the offense is not listed on the transcript (I didn’t think that suspensions were generally listed), your high school have to send final May/June grades to the college/uni whose offer of admission you have accepted. That final transcript request will specifically ask whether you have commited an offense for which the saction was suspension or worse. </p>
<p>Some private schools won’t answer honestly b/c they don’t want to jeopardize the students admission (and their own placement stats) and deal with the angry parent mob (no one wants to pay tuition for four years only to have the school stab him in the back; this is considered the ultimate breach and news of scuh speads like wild fire through the parent body). I have no idea how public schools would handle an alcohol related suspension, but from what I have seen, they deal with marijuana/drugs more harshly than the private schools do. At local public schools, the police are often called for marijuana/drug offenses (this includes drug use off campus, at lunch for example, where the student later shows up at school high/intox); private schools rarely involve the police.</p>
<p>Also, be aware that even if the school doesn’t report the incident an disgruntled parent could alert the colleges to which OP was admitted. The college might not investigate an anonymous report (but maybe they would), but if a disgruntled parent might give his/her name (at a point when the report couldn’t hurt his/her own child) the college would take the report far more seriously and be more likely to investigate.</p>
<p>There was an earlier thread about such parent reports (something about competitior parents).</p>
<p>Have you thought of discussing this with your guidance counselor?</p>
<p>I wasn’t called down to the office today, which is good. If I don’t get suspended I won’t have to worry about it. I really need to find out what goes out in the final report. I’m pretty sure our school sends out their own final report instead of the one’s provided from schools.</p>
<p>Westchestermom, read all the thread, this was just some cop trying to scare a kid. This didnt happen on school property, I dont think he’s getting suspended.</p>
<p>I was in a similar situation, not arrested but caught drinking and the school found out, but was not suspended and it did not go on my high school record or transcript.</p>
<p>And you got in and all was well?</p>
<p>Yep! Actually the drinking thing resulted in me being kicked out of NHS and being benched for 20% of my volleyball season (miraculously I wasn’t stripped of my captainship…weird), but so far I’ve been accepted to every school I’ve applied to, only waiting on one more. I talked it over with my guidance counselor and principal; they said there is no need to mention it in any of my applications or essays.</p>