So here is my story… Initially I got an expulsion form my university on the grounds of academic integrity violation. I tried to talk to the university personal and gave me proofs and documents to prove my innocence and lucky the university looked into the matter and decided to reduce my charges and change my expulsion to suspension.
Now here i stand with my suspension letter in my hand and loads of questions in my minds…
- Is it compulsory for me to go back to india during my suspension period?
- Can I secure elsewhere and issue a new I-20 because if I get a new i-20 my visa has the name of different university so i am confused if thats an options?
- after going back to india do i have to apply for a new visa or would this visa work if i join the same college after my suspension period?
I would be highly obliged if someone could help me out and show me the right direction.
Thank you so much