Sweet Briar College: What the $#@%?!

<p>So I get this PINK envelope in the mail. I assumed that it was for some sort of magazine promotion or perfume. But NO! It's for a college! A women's institution, at that! I was so incensed! Why is a women's college, which is supposed to be about going against the stereotypical 'girls are dumb' and standing up for women falling into the number 1 stereotypical trap? Do they think because their envelope is pink that I will go "oooooh, Barbie college!" and fall in love with their school? I am no feminist, but jeez! Sweet Briar College Envelope Makers, hear this: your letter is in my trash!</p>

<p>grow up please</p>

<p>Perhaps it was pink because you are a princess :D</p>


<p>I have an 11-year-old daughter. She loves pink.</p>

<p>lol, that's odd.</p>

<p>well maybe thats the schools color. If Williams sends me a purple brochure, do i throw it in the trash?</p>

<p>lol. Sweet Briar sent me a letter in a pink envolope, but I didn't think anything of it. I honestly don't see why you're so offened by it.</p>

<p>maybe princess is one of those sensitive dudes.</p>

<p>Pink iS their official color.</p>

<p>How Dare University Of Michigan Sterotype My Masculinity And Send Me Something Blue!!!</p>

<p><a href="http://www.sbc.edu/alumnae/volunteer.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.sbc.edu/alumnae/volunteer.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>::I am no feminist, but jeez!::</p>

<p>You don't believe in equal rights and opportunities for women?</p>

<p>Why shouldn't their literature be pink? It's a lovely color. Does the color of their brochure say anything about the quality of the education they offer? Are you really planning on choosing a college based on its colors?</p>

<p>I'll toss in a different comment -- I don't think there IS a "girls are dumb" stereotype. If any, I'd say it's more "girls do better in school than boys."</p>

<p>My son's received a ton of college mail. I can't honestly remember the color of any of the envelopes. I prefer scholarship letters to be green, though...</p>


::I am no feminist, but jeez!::</p>

<p>You don't believe in equal rights and opportunities for women?



<p>I am a feminist, and - since when has the color pink become conflated with "girls are dumb"? It's a color, it's not a coding system. Get over it.</p>

<p>With a motto like "Think is for girls," SBC would be daft to use anything other than pink as its official color. The pun would be illegitimate otherwise.</p>

<p>Settle down. Their colors have been pink and green for ages. Long before Mattel made everything about Barbie pink.</p>

<p>It's nice that you feel strongly about something. In high school, teachers admire students who have passion, so this kind of "throw it in the trash and stomp off to rant!" gets applauded. But be advised, in college the expectations will shift. Impassioned arguments are only credited if they come from a position of informed analysis and critical thinking. Your first year or two will be about developing those kinds of skills, and you have to resist the impulse to go with your knee-jerk response.</p>

<p>I gave some thought to this pink stereotype complaint and I believe I have the definitive answer. Pink and green have been the official colors at this school for a very long time. They are famous for traditions and they should continue to respect their traditions. Sweet Briar has an excellent reputation for empowering women and treating them with respect.</p>

<p>Poulou, this is a very old post. The people who wrote it are long gone.</p>

<p>Doesn’t this post demean women who actually like the color pink? Pink is a color; not a social construct - a school is allowed to select it as one of its colors. By the way, if you’re not a feminist, then what are you? </p>

<p>The only reason why I never visited Sweet Briar was not for the pink but for the lack of boys :wink: X_X </p>