sweetest thread for deferred people!

<p>yea i just wanted to draw attention to it, but now that i have it:</p>

<p>the deferral letters are differently worded than the site is for me. is this true for everyone? it says like "it is appropriate to view your application with other regular decision applicants" blah blah blah.</p>

<p>how do we send in other 'stuff' to help our apps?</p>

<p>You put it in an envelope (remember to put a stamp, this is key), and send it to admissions.</p>

<p>Also, I hear that if you stuff one of those brown envelopes with as much cash as possible it increases your chances by 27.8492%</p>

<p>good one funny guy. </p>

<p>i was referring to if there was a need to include a supplemental letter or small note as to what the contents of the envelope are- or something more along the lines of what kind of format they want the material in. save the jokes, all i'm asking for is some guidance.</p>

<p>P r ick</p>

<p>Well you should be more specific if you want your questions answered seriously...</p>

<p>i've asked the same question about two or three times recently... i even posted a thread about the same thing more specifically, and it has plenty of views in the last couple days, so i was going on the hunch that that many people already knew what i was talking about, and as far as those that didn't.... well i'd just hope that you trust that i know how to mail an envelope.</p>

<p>If instead of asking: "how do we send in other 'stuff' to help our apps?" you asked: "Is there any special process we should follow when submitting supplemental material to enhance our applications, i.e. including some sort of written explanation?"</p>

<p>I would have happily responded: "Why yes BlueDevilBBall, in addition to properly sealing and preparing your envelope, I suggest that you include a short formal letter explaining that you would like (insert supplemental material here) to be reviewed with your application."</p>

<p>read a little more carefully:</p>

<p>"i even posted a thread about the same thing MORE SPECIFICALLY, and it has plenty of views in the last couple days, so i was going on the hunch that that many people already what i was talking about"</p>

<p>Sorry I didn't do a background check.... I should have known.</p>

<p>Then there was no need for you to post... if all you had to offer was a lesson in how to mail an envelope, then it was just as easy for you not to say anything.</p>

<p>jason quit being an *******...we got accepted..but some didnt so chill and help out</p>

<p>yes you can send more stuff in. Just send it to the main office im not sure of the address of it but if you send it into the place where they sort everything you shoudl be fine</p>