<p>Can I get a slow clap - better yet ONE clap (you all know that drill...for those long ceremonies where every kid is getting an award) - for all the EXPERT help we get on CC from people like Swimcatsmom. I know there are others, and I hate to not mention them, but I haven't looked on here enough to know them all. So please include yourself if this means you.</p>
<p>I have finally filed my first FAFSA and and nearly ready to hit submit on CSS Profile. So I'll start!</p>
<p>^^ Absolutely!!! Clap, Clap, Clap and more Claps.</p>
<p>I’ve always suggested that kids come to Swimcatsmom, Kelsmom, Mom2collegekids and Sybbie719 on this forum, when they mention anything for Financial, simply because you are the “CC Specialists for the Financial Aid Forum”. </p>
<p>You guys r 2 thanks for your exceptional job here on CC, guiding many of us!!!</p>
<p>Gosh…I’m no expert on things financial…I’m learning from Kelsmom, Swimcatsmom, Thumper, etc. I try to “pick their brains” as often as possible! </p>
<p>(However, I do try to pass on what I’ve learned from their great minds! )</p>
<p>Adding to the applause, esp for swimcatsmom and kelsmom and all of the other moms (and some dads) who patiently and tirelessly answer questions from all corners of the internet. Often the same questions that have been addressed a few pages back. Merci bien!</p>
<p>I’ll add a few names: cptofthehouse, sblake, sueinphilly, erin’sdad, somemom and all the other “senior members” – your generosity is amazing. The time you take and the information you impart has made me believe that CC is THE place to come for anything regarding college. </p>
<p>My kid is a first year at a great school and I believe I could not have made it through the admission/financial aid process without you.</p>
<p>I never went to college so this ENTIRE website has been my lifeline.
I want T-shirts…
“Everything I know about college I learned from College Confidential”
<p>Awe shucks…thanks. Really…any “advice” you are receiving from me is either via my own experiences with two kids, or via advice <em>I</em> have gotten from others here and elsewhere. </p>
<p>I think it’s important to share accurate information. This financial aid process is a PITA and every amount of help and support one can get benefits everyone.</p>
<p>Thumper1 was not forgotten (post #5). But all of the financial aid heroes could and should be thanked multiple times. </p>
<p>Thumper1 you’re being too modest - it’s not just that you have given advice based on your experience, but that you and the other CC greats are so generous and willing to share. And it’s also not just the amount of advice it is the quality of that advice that sets you apart. You guys could easily sit back and happily lurk without making nary an offer to help. But you don’t. CLAP CLAP CLAP</p>
<p>Aaw - Thanks guys. I remember feeling the same way when we started this process a few years back. CC was a lifesaver for me as I had no clue about anything and didn’t know you could ask for things like special circumstances adjustments (which, thanks to CC, we got the first year due my husbands huge medical bills - such a lifesaver). So it is nice to be able to pay forward the help I got. </p>
<p>Special kudos to Kelsmom and Nikkil who are financial aid officers in real life but still take the time to come on here and help with their expertise even during their busy times. They have both helped me a lot.</p>
<p>Swimcatsmom, Kelsmom, and everyone else… you should also know your help is “paid forward” well beyond this website, too. I volunteer at the high school helping kids with the whole admissions and financial aid process and the information gleaned here is invaluable to so many people that would never wander on to College Confidential.</p>