Swimming Recruiting for Int’l Jr. Targeting Highly Selective Colleges

Hopefully congrats are in order.

Having followed this odyssey from the beginning, but trying to preserve the OP’s confidentiality, is it possible the three “offers” came from schools that were not visited over the summer?

If this is a correct assumption, it is also possible 2 of the 3 schools only hired their head swimming coach a month or two ago. Given these coaches are new to the systems/procedures of their new employers, I would urge the OP to get involved in the discussions/negotiations to make sure there is a clear understanding of what has been offered, under what conditions and what if any are the next steps/timeline. This family has worked too hard to leave anything to chance.

Here is a story I wrote over 5 years ago about a swimming family:

Obviously, I hope the OP has interpreted everything correctly, however given the history of this thread, if it were me, there are things I would nail down as the process enters a critical phase.

I worry as none of the schools have been visited (assumption), the Zoom calls with team members may not indicate an offer of recruitment, but is the next step in a process that has a few more steps.

Also, I would imagine any legitimate offer has a deadline that comes before January. Are any of the three offers at prestigious enough programs (for the parents) to forgo the Canadian option?

Will we know the outcome of this adventure before we hit 2000 posts?