Swimming Recruiting for Int’l Jr. Targeting Highly Selective Colleges

For her school’s class of 2021
56 in class
9 got 45/45
47 got at least a 40.
(from school website)

Impressive numbers.


I’ve been away from this thread since last spring. Is the OP taking a gap year?

Yes my point was not questioning the expected grades but why she isn’t seeing herself as a stronger candidate for super reach given people with those numbers usually have fab academic super curriculars etc


Basically she is in the same situation as kids at Stuy or TJ - college adcoms use logic, too. When the entire class is handpicked, they know even bottom 50% students are going to be excellent.
A good thing about the IB is the automatic international benchmark.

I would include 1 American “safety”, unless OP is applying to all UCs except for Riverside&Merced (both are good but their location would be a problem for an international, I think). I happen to think UCSC would be a terrific safety; its main problem is he housing crunch/costs, but this isn’t likely to impact OP’s family since I assume they can afford housing even at SC costs. Some UCSC majors are incredibly strong and many would compare well with other states’ flagships, bc the talent is quite deep in CA. Same thing with UCDavis. (As an aside, I love the bikes there).
However if UCSC and UCD aren’t on the list of UCs, I would use one slot for an extra safety to guarantee one US admission.


From what I’m hearing (and I know literally nothing about IB) that 44/45 is super duper impressive. So I would say don’t submit a 1480 anywhere! Seems like a 1480 will take away from the impressiveness of the 44/45. Like AO’s would expect a higher SAT score from that kind of a student.


Being in an environment of high privilege and achievement can really screw the perspective of a young person to the extent that what seems “acceptable” will exclude many wonderful opportunities and experiences.

I hope that @NiVo and D24 have had the chance to consider, deeply, what is meaningful to her in choosing a college. I would hope this includes what type of environment/setting will best contribute to her development in intellect & character. I have read from @NiVo that selectivity, strength of likely major, and vibe are all parts of the decision. I hope she has all the information she needs to decide.

Again, good luck.


I think people (myself included) question how McGill fits in with her current list of schools if “vibe” is part of the criteria. Tufts, Amherst, Cornell, Brown? Even UVA has a different vibe. Why not throw in some more safeties in the US where she could be part of an excellent club program for swimming, get a great education, and actually have a good chance of acceptance? She sounds like a great student who could have many great options.

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Maybe the latest USNews iteration will give them a nudge since so many U.S. state flagships saw their ranks climb.

And Wesleyan and Grinnell tied at #11


The official list is confirmed

Santa Barbara
Santa Cruz

This list can be changed due recruiting purposes


Wait, Dartmouth? Why?
Dartmouth would have crossovers with Wake, Tulane, perhaps Colgate rather than those on the list. UVA is the only one close to it in vibe.

Is she recruitable anywhere?
I thought you said she had passed prereads at 3 schools and you were waiting for coach support - is any of the above colleges one of the 3 (you don’t need to specify) or did she not get any offer?

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So she’s turned down her “offers”?

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I am surprised to see so many state universities, isn’t admissions particularly difficult for international students to these schools?

I think that’s because UCs “count” as one (her secondary school has a limit on the number applications so it’s 9+ UCs).

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My understanding is that she got 2 offers and turned down one of them. I believe she is sitting on one offer while applying to non-swim schools…


Will one of these be ED?

I thought there were three offers, and she turned down two.

What does this statement from the OP mean: “This list can be changed due recruiting purposes”? I thought there was just one live recruiting offer left.

The latest list looks like his daughter has largely abandoned (except for one school) the idea of trying to secure admission on her own and try to get a walk-on spot on a D3 swim team. I wonder what happened with that? [ETA: there is also only one small LAC on the list now].


Based on how this thread has evolved and your latest school list, I guess swimming was never very important.

It was really just an admissions hook.


Maybe so, but there are 3 or 4 schools in that list where she could contribute as a swimmer (NESCACs and the slower UCs). Possibly Dartmouth as their standards are out of whack with their current roster.

If you actually want to swim collegiately, why would you put the following when you allegedly have McGill as your “World Top 25” + varsity swimming backup?

UC Berkeley
Tufts (can’t walk on)

Makes no sense, unless prestige is the main driver. Let’s not pretend it’s because these schools have the “vibe” OP is looking for.

UCSB and UCSC are likely on there as entry points to try and transfer to UCB or UCLA in 2 years. Otherwise, they aren’t logical if you are allegedly drawn to McGill and you want to swim.