Swimming Recruiting for Int’l Jr. Targeting Highly Selective Colleges

my comment was purely about the benefit for international athletes to join, train, and compete with a US club and in US competitions. This very directly enhances their profile, which can be a strong addition to their recruiting journey.

whilst D24 definitely felt good about this unexpected inbound request, and wants the share the lesson about training in the US, it doesn’t change her current journey nor her intention to attend a co-ed college.

She expects her decision to be fully finalized very soon.


It’s a time-based sport. If your daughter had reached out to that coach months ago when this thread started, the coach very likely would have responded positively then based on her existing times relative to the team’s roster. The timing of swimming with the US-based club did not include meets with short-course yards, so everything would be converted anyway.


I am sure the OP will let us know if any of the “four coach discussions in four conferences” result in any official offers.

It is worth noting that a swimming recruiting offer from a selective women’s college earlier in the process (December) would have been really helpful down the stretch as the OP tried to gain traction with the co-ed programs. Coaches always want someone that others want…it is human nature.

Not sure how valuable a women’s college offer is now…an early offer gives you power. A late offer is a life preserver (for a college varsity swimming experience).

In the meantime, I have little left to say that hasn’t been said in my 55 posts to this thread.


You’d be surprised at the weird connections some coaches have. My daughter went to school in Florida but her coach had just transferred from a school near Boston, so the coach still had all her NE connections. The asst coach, a much better college player than the head coach, had attended St. Joe’s in Philly and had gone to hs in that area too. She had many more connections than the head coach did My brother is a club director and he knows everyone in our city - the professionals, the hs coaches, the third grade coaches, the parents who played at JHU and still keep in touch with the coaches - , and most of them are from the east coast so it’s “Oh, Pete’s cousin’s college roommate is the coach at U-XYZ and he needs a goalie” or “three recruits bailed on the coach from State U, so give them a call.”

It’s a very tight community in most sports, and honestly in timed sports, they don’t really care that much if it is D1 or 2 or 3, if the school is an Ivy or a state school that isn’t the flagship, if most of the team is in engineering (Colorado school of Mines) or art (Savannah College of Design). They are coaches and building a team. They leave the ‘building a class’ to the admissions officers.

So yes, Pomona IS competing with Tufts for players/swimmers and the coaches will care

But don’t worry about it now. She’s driving the bus, so let her do it.


Could you please explain, without naming schools of course, what this means? It would really help others in the process. Is the ball in her court? Has the coach said I need to wait and see how many commit to applying Ed first and if you’re top 8 you have a spot? Has the coach already said if you want to come here you can? Please, insight into what you mean by this- for all four schools (not just the two less selective we know about). I believe a straight answer could have and could save 1000 posts.


Each school she’s talking to is recruiting a different number of swimmers for various reasons (rebuild phase, large group of seniors, very small recruit class coming in 2023). The range communicated varied from 5 to 12(this may include walk-ons).

Pre-read passed with coach support (3)
Pre-read passed (5), including 2 too fast
Pre-read in process (1), likely too fast

Are you saying that your D has received three verbal offers?


Or 8?

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Hopefully OP clarifies…but I interpret the middle 5 passed pre-reads as offers unlikely to come because the D is relatively low on those coaches’ lists.


I am so confused about post. Can you clarify? So she has 3 offers? Congrats! (That is wheat coach support means right?)

But what about the second statement? I have never heard of this - the coach says you are an academic fit but I am not extending you an offer? Is that a thing?


Many coaches do get more pre-reads than they have slots, and most pre-reads do get green lights…so there are many potential recruits who get a positive pre-read but not a slot/verbal offer IME

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Sorry, but the OP’s description makes no sense to me. I think it is bizarre that a coach would extend a preread to a recruit that’s not under consideration for a potential offer (presumably if the program is too fast they aren’t seriously considering a slow (to them) swimmer).

Do any of the offers have deadlines? Isn’t this the time of year when the rubber meets the road? Meaning coaches want answers so if they are turned down they can move on to the next recruit?

With the caveat that my son’s sport wasn’t swimming. Perhaps swimming is an entirely different beast.


Yes, but in my experience kids getting prereads are potentially in the running for an offer.

Maybe the confusion comes from the wording OP used.

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Many D3 recruits are doing overnights at the schools in September. So after all the overnight visits, most swimmers will make their decisions. My guess is tons of girls are offered pre-reads, and a small number are offered a few-day visit to meet the team. My understanding is September is a busy month for all the schools to finalize lists.


Could be. But some swimming coaches do get 40-50 pre-reads, and I think OP said the D had been told that by a coach or coaches as well

That is how I was looking at it. I know there are more pre reads than offers but I assume all of those are in consideration. And if not, do coaches bother to give the feedback that the preread was positive?


I agree this doesn’t happen all that often for students who are unlikely to get an offer.

Sometimes a student might get a hold of the coach and get this info out of them, but IME this is often the time when coaches start evading and/or stalling contact with the non-top recruits.


Yes, and the ones with OVs scheduled will almost certainly have offers in hand. The coaches will be playing the waiting/delaying game with the others until the priority recruits make their decisions.


Yeah this terminology is different than my kid’s for sure (different sport though). My kid had offers. Yes, there were prereads, but it was the offer that was the end game.

Pre-reads passed with coach support – does that mean an offer or not??? I think this is the summary of this whole 1800 thread post because I don’t understand, still.

(I wonder, does that mean that the coach is talking to her? Maybe that’s what OP means by “support” and if so then it’s a whole different meaning.)

Pre-reads where she is not fast enough – yeah, in my kid’s sport it doesn’t ever get that far.


I know many, many recruited swimmers and I have never heard this phrasing before from any of them. The preread means nothing if the coach is not interested in having a too slow swimmer on the team, so what was the point of submitting?

I hope OP clarifies if the 3 passed prereads with support means she has actual verbal offers. If so, she will need to make a decision and verbally commit to one and that is good news!

OVs will not come into play here, since she is international. The coaches will not expect her to travel so far during the school year. Hopefully, the campuses were visited to help her make a decision.