Swimming Recruiting for Int’l Jr. Targeting Highly Selective Colleges

Oh, and to add… in my kid’s sport and situation, the very second the pre-read came back, the coach made an offer. So… the pre-read was just a step to get to the offer.




And my son too; and when one coach wanted to stall, he kept blaming admissions and saying they were really backed up so the preread hadn’t come back yet. In no case was there passing a preread but not getting an offer.


other have referred to this period as moving chairs, where coaches are seeking commitments from their lists, and uncommitted athletes who have passed pre-reads await the coaches decisions.

Several coaches confirmed in writing she has passed her pre-read, but the remaining response ranges from “you’re in the range”, “we’re finalizing”, etc… which we translate to “you’re not amongst my top recruit, but I may recruit you”… if she really wants that school more, she will have to reach out to that coach and seek his/her final decision before finalizing her commitment.

@NiVo - just to confirm, when you say your daughter has “confirmed support” – does that mean an actual offer?

1 school? Or the all 3 with “pre-read passed with coach support”?

If so, what window did they give her for her answer? (My kid didn’t get open-ended offers and those were VERY early in the recruiting process… so I imagine right now, any offer has a pretty short window to commit.)


This is confusing, because in our experience, my son was never informed of a preread result without an immediate offer. He was never awaiting a coach decision because he knew even before the preread that he was a desired recruit.

We are all trying to ascertain if when you say coach support, did the coach explicitly offer a roster spot to your daughter?


Ok so the last paragraph, which you edited in post # 1784 clarifies my question.

(I so wish posters didn’t edit and add relevant info after posting!)

So I have no idea what that “coach support” refers to. It’s meaningless. I think from your edit that they are saying, if we’re short a swimmer, we’ll let you know.


I’m sorry, but none of these responses mean your daughter has an offer of support.
There is no reading between the lines here; the coaches would clearly and explicitly state in writing or in a call that they initiate that an offer is being made.



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pre-read passed + coach support + committed = accepted offer

pre read passed + coach support = spot = offer

pre-read passed = waiting for further coach update

pre-read not yet passed = nothing

** She found it a pretty good confirmation of an offer when the coach organizes zoom calls with assistant coach and team swimmers.


I, like others, still don’t know what the phrase “given confirmed support” means. Is that an offer?

It might not be possible to “complete the process”. There is the danger that existing offers are not open-ended and may go away while waiting on the more selective swim programs that likely have a round or two of OVs for priority recruits coming up in September.


Completing the process simply means finalizing the outcome of all her coach conversations and getting a conclusive response from each coach after passing pre-read, whether it’s an offer/spot, “in waiting” after passing pre-read", “not fast enough this year”, or simply radio silence.

All the coaches on her list have been very responsive, and she expects that process to complete in the coming 2 weeks.

pre-read passed + coach support + committed = accepted offer

Until this what has happens to your daughter. It’s not a done deal anywhere, right? And I would add…completing ED application and getting acceptance.


Huh, although a bunch of schools were in play for my son, he had definite preferences. So when his 1st choice school made an offer, he accepted and stopped the process with all the other schools. (vs waiting to see what each school did).


I feel like we are having language and/or communication barriers.

When a coach makes a verbal offer for a slot they will say exactly that. Zoom calls with the assistants or teammates happen for some athletes who never get an offer. IME that would be a strange situation for a coach to make an offer then.

If your D does have verbal offers, I am amplifying that it’s critical she understand for how long those offers are open. They typically have a deadline…it can be a day or two or a week or two.

It can be difficult to get the timing to work out when there are multiple verbal offers. She should be transparent with coaches and not try to play them off each other. Continued good luck to her.


So you think she will get an offer before top recruits visit in September?


Many D3 sports/schools/coaches do not have the budget for official visits. IME most D3 recruits do not have OVs (although many potential recruits do visit on their own dime, often before they have a verbal offer).


I have a ‘24 swimmer and on the high academic D3 end, we only ran into two schools that told us they don’t offer OVs (NYU and CMU), both said they haven’t brought them back post covid. The way the D3s usually work is they send out dates, swimmer is responsible for their own flights but the team hosts them for two nights and has an itinerary for them (ball game/other sports game, observe practice and dryland, sit in classes, meeting with coaches etc). If OP’s daughter is not doing OVs then I suppose meeting the team over zoom is an option that is offered in place of OVs for international swimmers? I do think that the OVs are a great opportunity to get a feel for the team/school and see if it’s a good fit, much better than just a campus/day visit.


This would be an unofficial visit then, typically for OVs, the school pays for everything (within NCAA rules). I know coaches who have no budget even for accommodations for potential recruits, let alone airfare. Others don’t offer to pay for anything as a matter of principle.

Regardless, yes, some coaches prefer recruits visit if possible (but understand some, including international recruits may not be able to). Many potential recruits meet teammates via zoom, before offers go out.

Recruits who are able to make unofficial visits, either before or after a verbal offer is made, tend to be privileged.


I think in the D3 world a lot of people refer to OV = overnight visit?

Last year, a lot of selective D3 coaches in my D23’s sport said they wanted to “wrap things up” recruiting-wise by early August, but in many cases enough of their top recruits wanted to do overnight visits in September that things weren’t wrapped up as early as the coaches wanted.

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