Swimming Recruiting for Int’l Jr. Targeting Highly Selective Colleges

How did you get to the schools for the OVs? I believe for some D1 OVs, the student gets themselves to the school.

Can we not have sidebar conversations? The thread is long and confusing enough without crapping it up with OT posts unrelated to the OP. How OVs are handled by D1 schools and how a D1 athlete travelled to the OV have no relevance to the OP.


Closing at the request of the OP. Will reopen when a decision has been reached.

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Reopening at OP’s request

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a decision has been reached??? the suspense……


Thanks to the many comments to this thread who have helped D24 and her parents navigate the circumvoluted process of colleges athletic recruiting for international students in the past 9 months.

Kids face many ups and downs, rejections through email, rejection after pre-reads, and the continuous hope of receiving strong coach support/slot/offer. In that process, she compiled a long list of schools across the country that were too fast for her to be recruited in the end, with some emails still coming in.

The journey included coaches who were surprisingly rejective, to coaches who were extremely welcoming to the point of taking her around the facilities at a school where she didn’t even have a walk-on chance due to limited pool lanes. This process was a great learning experience about the realisties of life, and prepared her well for when she will face the uncertainties of the job market.

She is very blessed in receiving offers from 3 different conferences + 1 coach who will finalize in January, is planning to meet current swimmers through zoom before making her final commitment decision very soon.


Congratulations, it looks like she accomplished what she set out to do. Will she accept one of the offers? When does she need to make a decision by?


Will you be able to consider the January school? What’s the timeline for deciding among the other 3?


Hopefully congrats are in order.

Having followed this odyssey from the beginning, but trying to preserve the OP’s confidentiality, is it possible the three “offers” came from schools that were not visited over the summer?

If this is a correct assumption, it is also possible 2 of the 3 schools only hired their head swimming coach a month or two ago. Given these coaches are new to the systems/procedures of their new employers, I would urge the OP to get involved in the discussions/negotiations to make sure there is a clear understanding of what has been offered, under what conditions and what if any are the next steps/timeline. This family has worked too hard to leave anything to chance.

Here is a story I wrote over 5 years ago about a swimming family:

Obviously, I hope the OP has interpreted everything correctly, however given the history of this thread, if it were me, there are things I would nail down as the process enters a critical phase.

I worry as none of the schools have been visited (assumption), the Zoom calls with team members may not indicate an offer of recruitment, but is the next step in a process that has a few more steps.

Also, I would imagine any legitimate offer has a deadline that comes before January. Are any of the three offers at prestigious enough programs (for the parents) to forgo the Canadian option?

Will we know the outcome of this adventure before we hit 2000 posts?


This is pretty much what had already been shared, if with clearer language.

What I don’t understand is how does the January school (McGill?) factor in at this point if she has 3 offers? Is there no expectation that she applies ED?


D24 is scheduled to talk with coaches and swimmers at all 4 schools, and expects to confirm her commitment thereafter.

She’s also using this time to conclude some of the other discussions that are outstanding.

Before that’s done, is a great suggestion to have an adult conversation with the coach to confirm everything is in order.

What are the deadlines to commit? I assume at this point that she can’t possibly have more than a week to commit from the time of offer. True?


Forgive me, but this makes it sound like she doesn’t have offers yet.

This sort of thing was done before offers were extended to my son, and in no case were done after the offer.

And at this point in the summer there definitely weren’t open-ended, “take your time” vibes from the coaches.


Why would that be the assumption? If a coach wants a kid badly enough, he/she hold a spot until spring. Or in the case of a supported ED situation, right up until the Nov 1 deadline.

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[quote=“Momofthree24, post:1873, topic:3623592, full:true”]



If a kid is truly an exceptional talent, or the team is very mediocre with little ability to recruit…yes.


If a kid is highly sought after, then yes, the coach may try to sell the program to the recruit with an outreach to team members. I don’t think this is the case here based on posted times.

Usually when there are Zooms or in person meetings with the team members at this stage, it is the coach wanting to make sure the team is OK with the recruit, team chemistry is fine, second opinions from the kids, etc. - this usually happens before an official offer occurs and is still part of the vetting and decision process.