Swimming Recruiting for Int’l Jr. Targeting Highly Selective Colleges

they do unofficial group visits that are not paid for by the college. those happen throughout all of September. and please, again, nivo, just answer if “offer” means full support of coach next week regardless of other recruits responses (meaning she is high enough on the list to trump those kids). Yes? No?


I’ll second this request. Although at this point, I’ve resigned myself to the probability that an obscure and confusing answer awaits us.

This thread makes me laugh. We are all stuck in the movie Groundhog Day! An endless loop. :rofl:


Which makes me wonder if this thread is real.


:alarm_clock::notes:babe, I got you, babe :notes: :alarm_clock:


:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


the meaning of offers with strong coach support should be clear after 1800+ posts.

the meaning of 2 ongoing coach discussions after passed pre-read clearly means D24 is still under consideration, but she’s also clearly outside of the top X recruits spots on offer for that particular school team.

D24 is looking to reach a conclusion between existing offers and additional schools considering her, before making her final commitment decision.

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It SHOULD be clear, but you are the one making it cloudy with your vague descriptions. “3-5 offers” sounds like you don’t really know.


3-5 simply means she will have 3-5 offers, and 2 coaches will decide whether it is 3, 4, or 5


Are any of the offers acceptable to you or your daughter?

Is there a possibility she will forgo recruitment and enter the unhooked applicant lottery?


So back to the question upthread. Did these 3 coaches that extended an offer give her a timeline to decide and do they require her to apply ED?


It’s not clear.

When asked for clarification, you have ignored the requests.


Leave the kid alone. She wants to talk to the others on the team. Maybe she wants to talk to a bio teacher or some other department. If she waits too long, an offer may disappear but that’s something she’s been told.

I think she can handle this. Although I’d like to know the whole list of contenders, that’s her decision here on college confidential.


Let’s be clear: no one here is hassling a kid. OP is an adult. And no one is asking him to name schools.


Sorry, don’t understand the ire aimed at OP. Seems to me his kid has 3 “offers” (coach supported spots) with 2 others still in play. We should congratulate the kid and her family, and offer any advice they may want in terms of next steps or what to consider as they make their choice.


Reminder that CC is supposed to be a friendly and welcoming place.

If you are frustrated by this thread, then stop replying and reading. Any posts violating the forum rules will be deleted going forward.


D24 turned down one offer, down to 2 offers + 2 live discussions. She will soon have to push the remaining coaches for a decision, one way or the other.


for the benefit of future international athletes seeking sports recruiting: after pre-read were passed, we expected either support/no support/maybe support later before the ED round.

one surprising outcome was when a coach specifically said the pre-read had been passed, and the rejection wasn’t because of performance/times or coach opinion, but because of a subsequent AO decision. one wonders what could be the reason of such a surprising outcome, since the pre-read was passed, and one can only wonder whether it is because there is a cap on the amount of foreign athletes being recruited, or because a swimmer with legacy status took precedent, or maybe yet another reason someone could suggest. This was indeed a school, coach, and team D24 liked very much. Very difficult to explain this to a young person.

This situation is not specific to internationals. Many offers of support get pulled for a variety of reasons; there are even offers with a positive pre-read with the athlete applying ED and then getting rejected (either with or without an initial deferral). I wouldn’t waste too much angst on why this occurred. It’s disappointing but is a better outcome than applying ED and then getting rejected.


Is it possible that you misunderstood a coach’s screen to have been a pre-read when in fact it had not been submitted to that AO for a true pre-read?