Swimming Recruiting for Int’l Jr. Targeting Highly Selective Colleges

Was this school one of the current offers you mention?

Or was this earlier?

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This was not a school where she passed pre-read and had coach support. It was a school where the coach confirmed in writing that she had passed pre-read in early August, but a team where she wasn’t amongst the top recruits. This explains why we don’t know whether her rejection was the coach or the AO’s decision. All this is fine, the outcome is completely clear, and she can focus on her remaining opportunities


Why did you make it seem like she had an offer that was reneged and the AO went back on their word?

You are making the people at this school look untrustworthy and unprofessional. That doesn’t seem like it was the case at all.


This is the part that doesn’t make sense to people on the thread with experience in the recruiting process and is why they are questioning the narrative. If the “formal pre-read” was indeed completed with an unambiguous positive result. there wouldn’t be a need to “clear” it again a couple of weeks later. Something is not adding up here.


What’s with the mention of the AD? I never heard of ADs being involved with recruitment. Is this a thing?


It’s not a thing. Another small point that is inconsistent with the reality of recruiting.


I think the central issue of this now 1900+ thread is the inability of the OP to understand what the pre-read means and when it relevant.

I wonder if he would have done things differently if he understood the pre-read needs to be officially performed by AO and that these are typically done is August. Claims of “passed” pre-reads in June have been confusing to everyone.

Nevertheless, where do things stand now?

It was reported that there were 3 offers with 2 open possibilities. With the recent misunderstanding (no offer) and the kid turning down an “offer” are we at 1 outstanding offer and 2 open possibilities, or 2 outstanding offers, and 1 open possibility?

At this point in the process, it wonder if anything has been learned in the process and what if anything, the OP would have done differently. Lessons learned are important, especially if the family has more kids who will be applying to college.

I for one, having posted almost 60 times to this thread, am saddened that virtually of my (and others) suggestions/advice have been summarily dismissed, and the outcomes have been predictable since the thread was young.

I guess the next issue is what to do next? Look at slower swimming schools and potentially upset the applecart for some really slow swimmers, or proceed to the unhooked lottery?

Obviously, while a lot of time has been wasted, the former has a greater likelihood of success than the latter.


Wow this is really confusing.

If a coach wants someone on their team but can’t offer admissions support they will say “ you have a spot on the team if you can get in on your own.”


@TonyGrace do not put words in people’s mouth. nowhere was there any mention of a reneged offer. Passing pre-read doesn’t translate in a reneged offer, nor does a mention of a coach communicating that
he wanted to support her but was overruled by AO. Nobody but the coach knows whether he’s the one who rejected her, or whether she wasn’t in the right band for admission.


that’s exactly what the coach wrote after explaining the process in detail

But if the admissions office gave the red light, there is a low probability of admission in RD.

@cinnamon1212 D24 reached the same conclusion and decided to forget about Bowdoin.

You said she passed the pre-read then she didn’t. If that’s not what you meant, apologies, but that is how I interpreted your post.


You stated the coach had interest. That is different from a coach supporting her.

Would be good to know - did he explicitly say either “I will support her in admissions” or “I would like to make her an offer”?

Or did he say “I’m interested, let me check with Admissions first”?

Interest vs. support = big difference.


So, now the takeaway is that Bowdoin admissions can/will provide inconsistent feedback on pre-reads for athletic recruits and rescind a “green light” that they had provided a couple of weeks prior?

the wording is clear, coach confirmed she passed pre-read, he wanted to support her but AO subsequently turned her down. We don’t know whether the coach actually didn’t want to support her, she wasn’t in the right admission band amongst those having passed pre-read, or indeed some other reason. Anyway, she will not be attending that school, she’s digested their decision, and everybody moves on.

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@TonyGrace The coach confirmed by email and zoom that she had passed pre-read. That’s a fact.

She got turned down. That’s a fact.

No one here will be able to know exactly who made the final reject call, whether it’s the coach who had faster swimmers, or the AO because she’s didn’t contribute sufficiently strong grades/scores for that swim team cohort, or in fact another reason altogether. Water under the bridge, we move on and will not further comment on this school

Not trying to be mean, but No, it’s not, and rarely has been. This is why we are at over 1900 posts.


then I should stop posting

Do you mean hat she was turned down from receiving a slot/tip/supported offer? The reality, especially for NESCACs, is that only a fixed number of these are given to each coach and often they need to recruit beyond this.

According to you, she has been offered a spot on the team if she gets in on her own. That’s something she wants, right? That would make xxx more appealing than some of the other super reachy schools that is on her non swim list, no?

It does not seem to me that one can infer that she is not admissible- unless there was something explicit in the admissions feedback but that seems totally unclear.

Just wondering if it makes sense to take xxxxout of consideration.

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