Swine Flu is Back!

<p>^ I’ve had swine flu. It’s just like normal flu…</p>

<p>That said in the winter it will be back with rigor because people’s immune systems are down in winter or something like that. Anyway that’s what happened with all th previous flu epidemics.</p>

<p>Make sure to use anti-bacterial soap</p>

<p>so that I can laugh at you because it’s a virus</p>

<p>atleast it will help, some how</p>

<p>lol swine flu has infected my school
too bad we have no days off =(</p>

<p>My ~ex at Oxford/Emory (now at Tufts… and Harvard… so I’m confused about where exactly “there” is) says they’ve got 4 swine flu people “there” and 2 in bio alone. looool.</p>

<p>I think IV has swine flu.</p>

<p>I bought little pig-snout masks at the store today and handed them out to the little kids playing outside on my street so that they could have a swine flu celebration.</p>

<p>I think I do too… I’ve been sick for over a week. I’M NOT GETTING TESTED THOUGH!!!</p>

<p>Swine flu is a hoax perpetrated by Al Gore.</p>

<p>^As is the internetz!</p>

<p>^^^Pfft. The doctors won’t even test you. My mom’s had the flu for over a week and her doctor dismissed it when she suggested getting herself tested for piggy flu.</p>

<p>Toooootally called this one:</p>

<p>[FCC</a> gets 300,000 calls as analog TV disappears](<a href=“http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/06/13/digital.TV/index.html]FCC”>Going, going, gone digital -- with a few exceptions - CNN.com)</p>



<p>My house no longer receives Fox. This is just such a wonderful upgrade.</p>

<p>I assume you watch the equally biased CNN?</p>

<p>I don’t have pay TV.</p>

<p>I personally know at least 2 people that had swine flu this summer, and supposedly there’s quite a few cases in my school or nearby school(s).</p>

<p>What’s with this title? Swine flu never left.</p>

<p>Swine Flu is beaing made by media to look like Ebola - its not. It’ll be terrible if you get it, but you probably won’t die. It only people who need to be worried are the very old and the very young. As COLLEGE confidential members, we should be at the height of our immunity. We will definitely be very sick - chills, high fever, and probably a couple of absences from daily activities, but it will not kill you</p>

<p>the flu of 1918 was extremely mild in the spring, but returned in the fall and killed hundreds of thousands of americans. hopefully things are different this time.</p>

<p>And now they MAY have a vaccine sometime in October. Hope it doesn’t hit before that. College kids were screwed in my area last year, and now I’m one of them. (Although, my high school was one of those that was shut down. Cost me money :().</p>