switching colleges within CMU?

<p>How easy/hard is it to change colleges within Carnegie Mellon? If I apply to CIT, but change my mind after a year or two, would it be easy to transfer?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Easy to transfer to H&SS or MCS, probably. It might be difficult to change into SCS, CFA, or Tepper, though. Best way to be sure you’d be able to transfer is to keep high grades, especially in whichever major/college you’d like to transfer into.</p>

<p>RacinReaver-Can you shed some light on whether or not you can dabble in IS
(Information Systems in H &SS) if you are fortunate enough to be accepted into Tepper? D is interested in business w/sub specialty of IT. What is the best way to have a standout application for Tepper?</p>

<p>If there’s classes offered and she has the prereqs filled for them, then there shouldn’t be too much of a problem getting into the classes.</p>

<p>[The</a> Carnegie Pulse » Scheduler » Information Systems Management](<a href=“http://sched.tcpulse.com/browse/departments/95]The”>http://sched.tcpulse.com/browse/departments/95)</p>

<p>It looks like most of the IS classes (if that’s the right department) are actually graduate level, so I don’t know how easy it would be to get into those classes, actually. You might want to contact the specific department you’re talking about (since this is in the Heinz College, which only offers graduate degrees) and ask them directly since they’ll have a better idea than probably anyone else on here.</p>

<p>Thank you for the link RacinReaver. I was actually looking for the undergrad info but this is a fascinating look at future potential opportunities!</p>

<p>Helpermom, although I’m not certain, I think your D would have lots of opportunity to supplement Tepper classes with IT classes, from both the IS Department plus the School of Computer Science. I don’t see why a Tepper/IS double major, or at least IS minor, wouldn’t be possible. It sounds like a formidable, highly marketable combination.</p>

<p>My son graduated with an IS degree; he combined it with a double in computer science. A few of the prereqs overlapped, which helped. If your D is interested in Tepper/IS, make sure her math and cs preliminary courses will work for both. </p>

<p>This is getting ahead but the MISM program ^^^ is a gem. S did that too in a fifth year. Combines business and technical skills in a fast paced team approach. </p>

<p>Don’t have suggestions for making her application stand out. Being female helps a little. Good luck to her.</p>

<p>2331clk Thank you so much for the input. My D is really excited and hopeful about CMU
and the course offerings there. We had looked at the Masters in IS program. It does seem really special. I am impressed that your son double majored in CS and IS. Was he able to do that in four years?</p>

<p>“Was he able to do that in four years?”</p>

<p>Well in his case he finished everything at the same time, namely the last (tenth) semester, by design. That way he was an “undergrad”, for financial aid purposes, all 5 years, (rather than undergrad first 4, then grad student 5th year). So his financial aid remained basically in force all 5 years, which helped us greatly. The school takes a few undergrads right into the program their 3rd year so they take grad courses along with undergrad; there’s one mandatory summer of just graduate courses. You do need to formally apply, meaning take GRE’s, get 3 recommendations, and write a lengthy statement. CMU calls it an “AMP” (accelerated masters program)…there probably are others.</p>

<p>I believe a fair number of students double major in four years.</p>

<p>One of my friends managed a double in CS and Math in three years, but he was a bit of an outlier. Another one of my friends got a double in Materials and Psychology while doing ROTC within four years, and he was only a little above average of a student, too.</p>

<p>Also, if you want to know about future opportunities at CMU, here’s a link to the career center’s job fair listings: [Job</a> Fairs - Information for Students - Career Center - Student Affairs](<a href=“http://www.studentaffairs.cmu.edu/career/employ/jobfairs.html]Job”>http://www.studentaffairs.cmu.edu/career/employ/jobfairs.html)
And here’s salary info for recently graduated students. [Post-Graduation</a> Survey Results - Information for Students and Alumni - Career Center - Student Affairs](<a href=“http://www.studentaffairs.cmu.edu/career/student/salary.html]Post-Graduation”>http://www.studentaffairs.cmu.edu/career/student/salary.html)</p>