Switching courses before switching major?

I’m changing my major from Mechanical Engineering to CS. I’m a newly admitted transfer student here. I’ve been freaking out over choosing MechE all week, the more I read into the less and less interested I’m in the material. Not only that, but I’m 6/7 semesters away from graduating if I stay in the program.

I really want to switch to CS. I’m pretty sure I can get into the CS program. The courses I took at my CC for Engineering were pretty much the same as the requirements for CS majors and I did really well (3.9+ GPA). I’ve just taken no programming courses yet. My question is, should I switch classes before getting my major switch approved? I don’t want to be stuck in engineering classes that won’t go towards what I really want to do. I’m not sure if I should just switch now or hold off on it until I get an answer.