switching dorms

<p>soo im in thomas hall..
Thomas is on the corps end of campus, it's a lot quieter than most dorms which is great for studying. You are also very close to the academic side of campus, so getting to classes will be a lot easier. you are closer to parts of downtown with places to eat like substation, burger king, buffalo wild wings, and few other things. You are also close to a street and parking lot so grocery runs, moving in and out, and other things are a lot easier.</p>

<p>me and my roomate are trying to switch but housing isnt really helping..
how do i go about switching?</p>

<p>does anyone know anything else about thomas?</p>


<p>I don’t know how to go about switching dorms but I did meet one person that successfully switched dorms before classes started. I think she may have contacted housing saying she had a medical reason to switch but I honestly don’t remember. As for Thomas, since it’s away from the other dorms you’ll become really close with your dorm-mates. I was in Monteith last year, which was 3 floors corps and 1 floor civilian so I become very close to the other girls on my floor. This year, Monteith is all corps and Thomas is the only mixed dorm with 2 floors corps and 2 floors civilian. I would stick it out, it may suck the first month but once you get to know everyone it’ll be really fun.</p>

<p>Don’t switch. Thomas is a lot of fun, being the only residence hall for civilians on that side of campus. You become tight with everyone in the building. I think you’d end up having fun with it. It’s like its own little community.</p>

<p>yea im in thomas im pretty happy about ive heard nothing but great things about it so far.</p>

<p>I know this is 3 weeks later but…I’m sort of in the same boat. I’m in Cochrane which has great location, but its suite style, and pretty much all athletes. So the dorm is empty for us non athletes quite frequently and its a bit harder to meet people then with the traditional style. Housing told me Sep. 7th they will have a vacancy list that you can look at. I would definitely try to get out of Thomas…you’ll end up having fast food a lot.</p>