Switching from computer science to Economics, will I get a job with an econ degree?

I transferred from UAlbany to Stony Brook in my sophomore year as a computer science major. I am currently taking computer science courses here, but not official in the major yet. Computer science is restricted here. In order to get into the major, I need overall GPA of 3.0 and a B in computer science, which I don’t think i will get. But, I will be a junior next semester. In order to keep my TAP and financial aid, I have to declare a major. So now, I am considering economics. Even though it won’t have a better job prospects like comp sci, will I get a job with an econ degree anyway?

Yes you can. People with economics degrees can go off and work in business.

At Stony Brook they have a Technological Systems Management degree, why not look into that? Seems like it only requires a 2.5 overall. Or perhaps their Information Systems BS?

Alternatively you could pair economics with a minor in one of those!