Switching from Engineering to Arts and Sciences


<p>I am applying for UW-Madison for Fall 2014 entry to the School of Engineering. I originally applied for Chemical Engineering, but now I am having second thoughts and thinks maybe I would rather be a chemistry/physics major in the College of Letters and Sciences to get a more liberal arts education since I probably want to go to graduate school anyway. If I am accepted, can I switch colleges before even getting to campus or do I have to wait a semester and then transfer (since my first semester courses likely wouldn't be very different regardless)?</p>


<p>Don’t worry. You get admitted to the university as whole regardless of proposed major. The only reason to switch on forms before signing up for SOAR (summer orientation) is to get the most appropriate advisor. Your preengineering courses will mainly be in L&S, the only difference may be one course your first year. Once you are on campus you can figure out which direction you want to take. For example, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering do have many common course requirements the first year but do diverge. It may be after you take some college courses you will decide what you like best. You can do grad work in engineering. You also will need to apply to the School of Engineering after you have been at UW (read the website). You can always take liberal arts electives but the difference later could be having time for them based on the required classes. For now let things be- it may be helpful to have the engineering perspective for your initial course registration.</p>

<p>You can change majors at any time- the only problem can potentially be not getting the required credits in your major if you switch later than sooner (eg after 3 years).</p>