Switching from Engineering to Computer Science

Hi, I got accepted to Wisc-Mad in Engineering (Freshman General Engr) and if I don’t want to do Computer Engineering, how difficult is it to switch to CS in the College of Letters and Sciences?

Just email admissions to get it switched before SOAR registration.

The only reason to declare a major now is to get the most major-specific advising at SOAR. Everyone is admitted to the university as a whole, regardless of intended major. If you are in the L&S Honors Program you will get Honors advising.

Easy to switch your major at any time now or while a student. There will be gpa minimum (your college one- logical because if you don’t do well in a subject you shouldn’t be majoring in it) for every major and some have competition because limited numbers can be accommodated (computer science is not limited). The only caveat is that choosing a major late in your college career could delay your graduation while you finish taking required courses for it.