I applied to Mechanical Engineering but i was only accepted as undeclared.
I have a few questions if you guys can help me answer them.
How competetive is it to switch into Mechanical Engineering? Like GPA or any other factors
Is the applicant pool i would be competing with only the students also switching to Mechanical Engineering or also with the upcoming undergraduate class/ the highschool seniors applying for ME?
What percent of applicants are given acceptance as undeclared who didn’t apply undeclared?
When I apply to switch for Mechanical Engineering my first and second year, would i also be able to apply to mechanical engineering programs in other universities in case i don’t get in for UCSD?
Also if that is possible, would i be able to keep the credits i took at UCSD and bypass those classes in the new school I attend?
Relating to the above question, would i be able to take mechanical engineering classes during my freshmen and sophmore year while still as undeclared? And would i get credit in it so when i do get into mechanical engineering at anymore, i would be able to bypass those classes?
http://maeweb.ucsd.edu/sites/mae.ucsd.edu/files/FAQs MAE Impaction.pdf
I think your questions are pretty detailed and broad at the same time, and you should see if you can talk to admissions about it - transferring to another UC is a formal process you would have to read about. You have some big “ifs” to address, did you get into another school in ME?
@jonahtang in order:
GPA only
Only continuing students transferring to mechanical engineering
Don’t know about the percentages, sorry 
Transferring is difficult especially from UC to UC
Yes you can usually keep your credits
Yes you can do that but the link @CADREAMIN left is going to advise you not to, and that poster’s comment makes some good points regarding your plan to possibly transfer
The two main schools i’m considering right now are Minnesota Twin Cities and Cal Poly Pomona and i was accetped in their their ME program. I recently found out that I also got into ME for UC Irvine.
Do you guys think it would be better to just go to one of those schools? And which one would you guys recommend?
My priority is to major in ME.
I did email the Mechanical Engineering admission office and if anyone wanted to know, she said out of the people who applied to transfer into ME (she didn’t tell me how many people)
2014: 40 accepted with average GPA 3.5
2013 18 accepted with average GPA 3.8
@jonahtang: Go with the direct admits. You have several good choices where you will get an excellent education. I would choose one of these schools.
Okay. Thanks for the advice!
I would also like to thank you for answering many of my questions throughout my highschool life. It has really helped me and many other students a lot!