Hey CC,
May end up attending UCSD for bio w/ spec. in bioinformatics as a premed, but got accepted to Warren college (the “engineering” college). How would I go about switching colleges within the school? I heard Revelle is nice because so many premed courses overlap with Revelle’s GE requirements, as well as the fact that Muir has a small amount of GEs.
I’ve heard that you have to show that switching colleges can get you to graduate 2 quarters quicker, but would I be able to do that as a Warren student to Revelle or Muir?
Thanks, and appreciate your responses.
It’s pretty hard to switch colleges and unless you have some bizarre combination of AP credits, there’s almost no way going Warren to Revelle would help you that much. There are plenty of non-engineering and premed majors in Warren, just as there are engineers who hate their lives in Revelle. Honestly, your college doesn’t really have that much bearing on your academic experience, and you actually have the GPA advantage of taking Warren Writing instead of HUM.
Ah, thanks for the insight. I guess switching to Revelle would be a bad idea anyways. I still would like to switch to Muir though. I know you have to show that you would graduate 2 quarters earlier by moving, but doesn’t Muir already have 3 or so quarters less of required GEs?
Basically, how easily can one switch from Warren to Muir.
The short answer is that you probably couldn’t switch.
The long answer is that you probably couldn’t switch. When you say three or so quarters, it’s still not three quarters’ worth of classes. For example, the Revelle natural science requirement is four quarters, but that really only adds one quarter to your estimated graduation date cause you can take four classes at a time as part of your four-year plan. You’d have to have a really specific scenario where the GE difference is that massive. That’s why college changes are rarely granted. Warren’s really not bad dude, the dining hall kind of sucks but the freshman dorms are pretty nice and it’s close to everything except Revelle and the Village. From what I’ve heard Warren Writing’s one of the easiest sequences. You’ll have a good time
@DoctorP Thanks so much for the info!
I don’t dislike Warren at all, I just want to graduate in the quickest amount of time, and be able to maintain the highest GPA possible.
I have heard that the nice thing about Warren is indeed it’s dorms, but it’s not exactly near the main hub of campus itself and its food is not that great. Do you know how far it is from the Village?
It’s the one of the closer colleges to Price Center and Geisel Library. I live in the Warren apartments right now, and I’d say it’s a 5 minute walk to PC, 7 minute walk to Geisel, 10 minute walk to Muir/Marshall/Gilman, and a 15 minute walk to ERC/Revelle. However, I’d add maybe 5 minutes to each walk if you’re in the freshman dorms. The food at Canyon Vista is below average, but if you mix it up with Earl’s and PC or the other dining halls every so often it’ll be fine.
yeap. literally impossible to switch college.