Switching major before accepting offer

i have recently been accepted into computer science but im still not completely sure if I want to do cs or computer engineering. If I decide computer engineering, will they let me switch into first year engineering?

It’s a gamble at this point. People have been getting denied from FYE due to program competitiveness. Also, if you’re eligible for any of the automatic scholarships, then that would forfeit your eligibility.

@naturaldistaster I got into FYE and want to switch to CS. If I submit a request for change of major, will I lose my seat in FYE? And if I do, how much of a chance would I have?

@zdutta123 @bilzerian , I’m part of class of 2019. Last year, I got accepted into college of education because I was interested in becoming a math/physics teacher, but changed my mind soon after. I submitted a major change request to FYE a few months later and it was processed in 1 business day. I do remember emailing beforehand though, to find out if I lose my seat once I submit a request. I don’t remember what they said about that, so you may want to ask them about it first.
I submitted this request long after getting an offer and shortly before accepting the offer. Best of luck.

wait so have you gotten into FYE? @clo513

@zdutta123 yes, i got a reply from the person in charge of FYE admissions within 1-2 business days. But then again, every year is different so I advise you to make sure whether or not you lose your original spot :slight_smile:
On a side note, if you wait to “codo” into FYE AFTER you start school, you may not be allowed to take certain FYE courses until second semester, this puts you behind everybody else in FYE.