<p>I heard that you can declare a major other than the one you put on your apps (if the major you want isn't impacted?) Does any know if this is true or know anyone who has done it? And also does anyone now if political science is impacted at Cal? I'm a psychology major so far, but I really want to switch to polisci so i'll be more prepared for law school.</p>
<p>Poli sci is not impacted at CAL (even though it is a very large department…). You really dont have to be a poli sci major for law school, but thats another debate…it should be very easy to switch to poli sci and you can even switch AT Calso (just go with the poli sci group when they call out the majors). You might want to make sure you look at the pre-reqs tho just to make sure you are on the right track…by the way poli sci 3 is a b*tch of a class…which you have to take when you get to CAL…hope that helps, by the way I was a psych major when I applied, but have since switched to a different major.</p>
<p>^ riskybusiness answered your question!</p>
<h1>Just to make it clear: YES, you can switch if you meet the requirements!</h1>
<p>riskybusiness, it’s Cal not CAL ;)</p>
<p>Okay thanks!! but is this just for non-impacted majors? Can I also switch at Calso for an impacted major like psychology or economics?</p>
<p>Oh *assuming that we finished all the lower division prereqs!</p>