Switching Majors at Purdue

<p>I applied for Computer Engg. My application got denied. I spoke to the Associate Director and she told me that my GPA and SAT scores were not competitive. But I was offered admission in the College of Technology for any major of my choice. I opted for Electrical Engineering Technology.
This is something that I didn't truly want. I wanted Computer Engg.
I was wondering if I can switch majors later, once I get into Purdue. The Associate Director told me that she cannot guarantee admission into that major which I want to switch later on. This was scary to listen to.
So, can someone please help me out with this?
My intention is to accept their offer of admission into the College of Technology, so that I can temporarily pursue Electrical Engineering Technology, and later switch to Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering.<br>
Is this a good plan? What are the odds? </p>

<p>I don’t know the odds, but yes, it is possible. You would need to look into the CODO process. If you do well during your first semester or so, then maybe you’ll get in. But you should take ENGR 131 and other FYE courses during your first semester if possible, to ease the transition.</p>

<p>Get the CODO process started as soon as possible. There are a few requirements (such as meetings, forms, seminars) that do take time to schedule/ plan.</p>

<p>That sounds relieving. Phew.
I think this is a stupid question.
How do I take up an ENGR 131 course since I don’t belong to the college of engineering?
Also, will exams like the CLEP help me here? </p>

<p>ENGR 131 isn’t (or at least, wasn’t) restricted to engineering majors. Talk to your advisors ASAP. ENGR 132 is restricted though, so you’ll need to CODO in by 2nd semester freshman year to stay on track. </p>

<p>I have never heard of the CLEP exam, so I don’t know. I think they’ll mainly look at your first semester performance, since they’ve deemed your pre- college performance to be non-competitive compared to other applicants. </p>

<p>I would also talk to Comp. Eng students or professors to make sure you know what Comp. Engr entails, and that you’re committed to it. A lot of people drop out of engineering because it’s not what they thought it to be.</p>

Yo, im wondering if that actually worked. I am in the exact same situation except with Industrial Engineering Technology. Were you able to switch to engineering of any other major afterwards? I have yet to decide if I should go to Purdue or consider other programs, such as Embry-Riddle for engineering.