Switching Majors

Hi! I am new here so I hope I am doing this right (please forgive me if not, if there is another place to post questions let me know). I was just accepted into Emerson’s BFA in Theater Education and Performance major, and while I initially applied for that, I am interested in switching to just a BFA in Theater and Performance. The application requirements are the exact same and the programs are fairly similar (one just also incorporates how to be a teacher, which I don’t want to do). I filled out the major change request form already, so I guess what I am trying to ask is if this is an easy switch or not. Is the Theater and Performance Major WAY more competitive and I just don’t stand a chance or are they fairly similar and I can hope for a positive response? If I were to attend Emerson, is changing your major within the performing arts program during the school year easy? I think I’d still be happy in the Theater Education and Performance major, but I want to do my best to try and switch. Thanks for helping relieve my anxieties about this… it’s a stressful time!