Switching UF summer B term to fall term?

Hello, my name is John, I applied for UF in the summer B term to have a higher chance of being accepted and thankfully I have been accepted. Now that I have been accepted I want to push it back to the fall term. I called UF and they told me to email them with my information and my reason why. What is a good reason that will surely get me switched to the fall term? I plan to say something along the lines of I wanted a higher chance of acceptance and now that I am, I wish to push it back so I may have time with my family before I go to college and on top of all that I will not have money from scholarships I applied to by the summer term. Please and thank you

Hey there John, sister went through the same issue going into 2012. Thankfully I will be joining her heading into this coming year. Congrats on your acceptance to UF!! DO NOT say that you want to change terms simply because you had a better chance getting into summer term over fall term. Your only hope would be to talk about your financial situation and explain how you would be put in a financial predicament if you had to go summer.

Remember if you are an in state resident then Bright Futures requires you to have at least one summer term without any help from Bright Futures, paying full tuition. A lot of people will try to advise you to take the summer term going into freshman year. Only have to take 6 credits or so and you get to learn the campus.

UF is smart, they know kids apply to Summer term because in reality it is easier to get into, DO NOT simply just say you want to change because back in October you felt like it would be easier and now you just want to change terms.

Thank you for the thanks! Haha I hope to see you there! I don’t come from the most well off household, so in reality I will not be able to pay for the summer B out of pocket. Parents making less than 20k in Miami is a little hard and UF being my dream school, I’d need all the help I can get.

I followed what you said and corrected the message to a long the lines of " I am very grateful to be accepted into the gator community and hope to make an impact on the campus. I am sending this email because I am hoping if I may be moved from the summer term to the fall term. I will not be able to pay for tuition for the summer term and I come from a lower class family that will not be able to assist me. I know this is a bother but it will be greatly appreciated so I may be able to join the gator family.please and thank you"

You think that sounds good?

We just asked to switch my S from fall to summer, so maybe you can have his spot!

Hopefully! Haha

Note: your chances of admission are no different had you applied for summer B or fall. But that doesn’t matter - you’re in! Congrats!

Anyways, I also got admitted to Summer B a few years back. I stated ‘financial hardship’ as a reason, they swapped me the next day.