Syracuse Class of 2027 Official Thread

Thanks. You know so much. We have made so many mistakes not knowing what schools were really realistic financial aid gold mines. Learning curve has been brutal and her top schools were not very generous. Got into U Roch last Friday but no merit but hoping for FA still LOL. Not expecting much from SU either but remain hopeful. Looking like Buffalo at the moment as got Honors and some money making it fairly affordable. Agree on BU. I hear that BU is terrible with FA even if you get in and they are really late this year with almost everyone getting deferred from EA as they were just so swamped with apps is what I heard.

Oh, I think when you mentioned BU I thought you were referring to Binghamton that we refer to as BU. But now I realize you probably meant Boston.


Yes Boston - I am from NJ - not in the know with SUNY schools

Will today be the day for Syracuse? Or sometime this week? What is everyone thinking?

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I wish today! But aren’t they notorious for Friday evenings?

Historically yes - if you look at past 3-4 years it’s been on Fridays throughout March but this year is already inconsistent with that. There was one or two people further up that validated there was a handful of notices sent out on 3/3 but it’s been silence since.

I believe those were international and a handful of VPA majors?

And some of the “high $ scholarship awards”. This year not many people chimed in but would think consistent with past.

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Since precedence has already been broken from the previous handful of years there really is no current or active narrative that I have heard as to when SU will release other than on or before 3/31. I guess sometime in the next 11 days either way.

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I wonder if they have decided to release all at once this year instead of over multiple weeks.

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I really hope that is the case

At the beginning of this month DD was notified of her selection as a Coronat Scholar/recipient of Coronat Scholarship. She applied RD. In the communication she was advised that “later this month” she would receive official notification from the Office of Admissions reflecting acceptance to SU and receipt of the scholarship. So while we already know of her acceptance and merit scholarship, we are still waiting for the notification from the admissions office.


Wow! Congratulations! I guess I was delusional that my kiddo would be in the running for Coronat. 4.0 unweighted, 1530 SAT, meaningful ECs, varsity athlete, from a rural area. Can I ask what you think set your daughter apart?


There was a separate thread on Coronat a little ways back. It seems that based on the school published information “chosen based on leadership and service activities”.

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I did see that thread. Just want one of these schools to recognize all of the contributions my girl has made to her community and her school. It’s frustrating.


Isn’t that the full tuition waiver award? Pretty sweet. Yes, we of similar high academic, EC, SAT are delusional about getting those awards in this modern world.

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Thanks - wasn’t disputing your kids qualifications for it but you put in stats, athlete, rural area - and didn’t expound on the EC’s. It seems based on their description Syracuse focuses on those EC’s and if the kid led organizations (team captain, class president, X Hours of community service, etc).

Just like the admissions process overall it can be a bit of a black box as to who gets selected for what. When our kid gets picked for something, the process is set up perfectly - when they’re not, the process is opaque or broken.


Never said the system was broken, was just wondering what sets these Coronat scholars apart. Mine is a team captain (actually brought the sport to her school by creating a joint team with the neighboring school), lots of volunteer work in her community. I certainly know these are VERY hard to get and was just curious who these exceptional scholars are.


Thank you.

Really hard for me to say. According to SU, “the highly competitive Coronat Scholars Program is designed for students who are committed to serving others and have outstanding intellect, achievement and courage. ” I do not know how they come to their selection from reading so many admission applications; how do they determine or define any of those factors. She did receive an invitation to apply to the scholarship in January, had to write 4 additional essays for the first round, and an interview in the final round.

I know she is a very good essay writer, but I did not read her essays for either the RD application (or the Coronat scholars application), but that’s one of her strengths. She is also good at interviews, so she seized on the opportunity for the SU interview for admission. Like many others here, she has a lot of meaningful ECs, and leadership role in some of them (at least a leadership role each year of HS) , for example, president of Model UN with multiple awards locally and nationally. Writer for the school magazine. She has over 300 hrs in community service, a US Presidential Scholars candidate, top pf her class with a 4.20 weighted taking on the most rigorous classes available to her, NHS and French Honor Society, she speaks 3 languages. I assume she had very strong letters of recommendation because she is highly regarded by her school teachers as a student who has a thirst for knowledge.

She has been offered merit scholarships at different colleges/universities, and the common denominator when awarded those has been leadership and community service, in addition to her stats. Therefore, it appears something clearly comes thru in her application in that way. On the other hand, she was not admitted to UChicago one of her top choices, so I guess her stats/CV were not good enough for them. So it is really hard to say what it is that these schools are looking for.

Just for reference, her intended major is political science.


looks like first batches go out 3/24 confirmed, according to their website that was just updated