Syracuse Class of 2027 Official Thread

Such a quiet thread for a school that should start releasing RD results in a couple of weeks!

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Fingers crossed!! My daughter is also waiting to hear if she got an interview for the Coronat scholarship too. This wait is killer! Good luck to all!!


Our applicant submitted their application for RD. We went this weekend to the Open House and did the school tour and Newhouse tour. It’s an amazing program. Fingers crossed. The wait is really difficult for all!

They mentioned some kids to do interviews. Our applicant didn’t know they could do an interview - where was that option? Assume we missed that opportunity.

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My DS applied Architecture. He interviewed/presented his portfolio but that’s specific to that major. He also did an interview with his admissions counselor (you’d have to go on their site to see who the person is for your region and set something up with them). I’m guessing that the ship might have sailed on any benefit from that though.

For future candidates:

Thank you. Our applicant applied RD, so their application was sent in January (and it appears there was a mid December cut off for interviews). I am even more happy we went this weekend for the Open House!

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My daughter didn’t apply to Newhouse, but I tagged along on a tour with a friend whose kid is interested in it (we are local) and I was blown away. It was very cool to see Newhouse up close and all they have to offer. Both that tour and the one my daughter did (Arts and Science/School of Ed) were amazing. We’ll see how it works out!!

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Newhouse is amazing. Our applicant has had a brutal time with EA, so we are really hoping Syracuse sends good news. Sadly, Newhouse acceptance is one of the lowest in the school. Good luck to your daughter. A student on the panel we watched this weekend was in the school of Education and that program, too, sounds really impressive. Experience in a school first semester is amazing. Good luck to our applicants!!


Poor kid! This process is so tough
 and yes Newhouse has a significantly lower admission rate than Syracuse as a whole. I believe 20% vs 55% or something? Sending good vibes! One of my daughter’s super close friends is holding her breath for a Newhouse acceptance
 My daughter LOVES their Education program. And the English program. It would be the best of both worlds for her
 a tiny school within a huge one. And, like you said, being in a classroom asap is awesome and really important to her. Soooo hoping it works out for yours and mine!


Yes, the process is super stressful, even for high stats kids. Nothing has gone the way we thought
. However, I am hoping we both receive good news!

Completely agree with the “nothing has gone the way we thought”. Ultimately I’m confident that my DS will land in a place that’s good for him (as well as most other kids!). Really holding out hope for Syracuse however (acceptance and enough merit/aid to make it feasible).


Yes, at this point we just have to believe they end up where they are supposed to be. Fingers crossed, prayers sent for an accept at Syracuse! :orange_heart:


My daughter interviewed back in December.

Does anyone know when Syracuse notifies applicants whether they are being considered for Coronat? My daughter has a 4.7 weighted, 1530 SAT, tons of meaningful ECs - applied for forensic science.

My son was originally going to apply for forensic science, and during one of the virtual info sessions, they said that consideration for Coronat was automatic for applicants to the A&S school. I took that to mean that successful recipients would be told with their admission decision. I know from the ED thread that those with merit found out with their acceptance letter, so it’s probably the same with RD. My son only got need-based aid, and that was posted about a week after his ED acceptance.

My daughter was invited to apply for Coronat on 1/28. The essays were due 2/5. Interviews are March 2 and 3, and we have not heard back yet about getting one. There are a few more people on this board in her same spot. Good luck!!

I was thinking the same thing!!!


Can I ask her stats? I know everyone thinks their kids is the smartest/best, but I thought my daughter had a shot.

Per the website: “The highly competitive Coronat Scholars Program is designed for students who are committed to serving others and have outstanding intellect, achievement and courage.”

Stats are a component of it - but by the definition in the summary and throughout the description of it it seems as though they are looking for someone around “community service”. Your daughter stats as listed on the other thread are well within (or over!) what they reflect as being the average. I think the real question here is what are your kids extra-curriculars and how does it reflect service (?)

Yes, she actually has a ton of service. The non-profit she founded gives back to veterans and elders in the community, and she has over 500 volunteer hours. Oh well, not meant to be. Hopefully she will get at least some merit aid, because she really likes their forensic science program.

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Sorry - wasn’t suggesting your daughter might not qualify or anything - was just suggesting that comparing GPA, SAT, AP’s - etc wasn’t likely to answer your question. And goes without saying that if your D’s non-profit work didn’t somehow come through strongly enough on the application that would have been an issue too.

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When we visited last year, admissions said it’s not at all required and not to do it if you are not a good interviewer. He said he has stories of interviews gone wrong