Syracuse Class of 2027 Official Thread

Sorry - I didn’t say that very well - for those people that got denials at Geneseo and Stony Brook did they see the same portal changes.


DS tried that with me too… then I asked him how he was funding college. :slight_smile:

My kid is at boarding school, so I have been fairly removed from the process besides doing a lot of research prior to applying. She is really independent and I don’t actually want to check the portals, I’d obsess.

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I don’t know, but if I do hear of that I’ll let you know! We’re in NY so obviously know many who have applied to SUNYs.

Lol I have all my sons passwords to each application portal had the same conversation with him :joy: not so much the decision more so the financial aid aspect…

There’s the financial aid aspect of things and the overall communications of things. If there were suddenly a flag on one of the applications that they needed additional information or something it would take DS (likely) a few days to notice it. A dozen applications with all different dates and requirements is a lot for most - though maybe not all - 18 year old’s to manage. He needs to manage keeping his grades up right now.


I do not have access to any of my daughter’s portals. That is her space.


We have had things flagged or requests for more information. She always forwards those to me. She’s on top of things.


Is there anywhere on the portal or on myslice to confirm that they received FAFSA and the CSS profile? We have not received any notification to indicate that they did not receive them, but I also don’t see anything to ensure that they did receive them.

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Anyone know when the School of Architecture decisions came out last year for RA?

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If you go into the application portal and then into MySlice you should see a tile there for “Financial Aid To Do List”. If you have anything on it other than the standard “upload” button - it would imply you’re missing documents with them. There’s nothing, at least that I’ve seen, that lists out CSS/FAFSA received XX/XX/XX.

The only thing that we have is the upload button and the status is “notified.” My student went back through their emails and there is nothing from Syracuse asking for us to upload any additional material, so hopefully we’re ok.

Syracuse is the only school that continually requests more financial info, even after Fafsa and CSS was done. It seems they are not accessing the documents in our CSS. I do not know why, it seems unorganized, frankly.

Not saying that they haven’t come back to you looking for more but we did the FAFSA and CSS and IDOC all back in November and never heard a peep from Syracuse. Maybe a bad omen for actual acceptance - but we’ll see in a week or two!

Wow. I don’t know, somehow I feel like they never got the info from CSS. Best of luck!

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Has anyone seen the dates for admitted student days?

They call them “Spring Receptions” and I believe they are held on basically each Monday and Friday in April. I called a couple days ago to ask and they said the dates should be up within a week or so. I wish they would have posted them earlier, but thankfully we’ve already been to visit. Hoping we get the admissions decision and aid package sooner rather than later so that we can plan accordingly.


IDOC usually shows when documents were processed and sent to the school that requested it. When my son applied to SU back in November, SU FA immediately requested documents via MySlice and never through CSS, but that could have been because my income was foreign and my son was chosen for FAFSA verification. I ended up uploading tax returns, paystubs, and some general forms. I also called them a couple of times with questions, and they were very helpful. His FA package then became available about a week after he was accepted.

The FA office was also very clear that they work independently from admissions, so I don’t believe that document requests/non-requests are any indication of acceptance or denial.


Same, all submitted and haven’t heard a peep.

Still lists as TBD - @ColdWombat is likely accurate though. Most colleges seem to center them around April school vacation week since they know that’s when kids can travel.