<p>Ok, so I am equally interested in both the college of arts and sciences at syracuse for economics, and also the whitman school of management for management. I am a senior in high school and on the common app supplement it asks you to choose your first and second choice colleges. I want them both equally, but I wanted to know if the order you choose them really affects admission?? Is the admission for each college a separate process so it wont matter? Im having trouble so if anyone has answers it would be much appreciated!! :)</p>
<p>No, it’s not a separate process. If you posted your stats, we may be able to give you a better evaluation (our guess) on your acceptance to each schools.
If for some reason, you do not get accepted into the Whitman School of Management, you may still be accepted into the College of Arts and Sciences. But if you don’t get into the College of Arts and Sciences, you’re simply rejected.
If I were you, I would select Whitman as my first choice, and Arts and Sciences as my second.</p>
<p>great! that clears things up.
here are the stats</p>
<p>White male in Southern California
3.3 Unweighted GPA, 2090 SAT(720,650m,720) SAT2’s apush(630) lit(610) math2(600)
Full load AP/IB Classes, Full IB Diploma Candidate, Excellent teacher recs(one of my teachers has some contacts at Cornell), Good college essays (assuming)
EC’s:<strong><em>3 years Basketball at my school, team captain two years
_</em></strong><strong><em>2 years Associated Student Body(ASB), PTSA Representative, elected ASB Secretary
_</em></strong><strong><em>Boys State 2008 Delegate, only one from my high school
_</em></strong><strong><em>JSA and FBLA Club 3 years club member in each, student debater, business conference competitor
</em></strong><strong><em>Fullerton National Junior Basketball League Volunteer as Assistant Coach
</em></strong><strong><em>FIES Volunteer and organized School-wide food and toy drive
</em></strong> OTHERS LESS SIGNIFICANT</p>
<p>so what are my chances at syracuse arts and sciences and whitman (my first choice)???</p>