Syracuse versus emerson versus northeastern

<p>Hi everyone!</p>

<p>I am interesting in pursuing broadcast journalism or maybe even print journalism (debating) and am from California. I am such a city person but I will be willing to sacrifice that for the best education. I want a school that will help me find a job ASAP. I want a school that has a lot going on on campus as well as off campus. I am in the grade and test range for all these scores.</p>

<p>Which is the best school for me? What are the pros and cons of these three schools with these aspects in mind?</p>

<p>Thank you!!!</p>

<p>There are different kinds of J schools: technical, professional and social science. Technical is very much like trade school. You learn how to use the tools. Social science is like studying journalism, but not exactly how to be a journalist. Professional (for lack of a better descriptor) is somewhere in between. You get the trade school aspect in that it’s super focused on journalism practice. You also get the social science aspect in that you get a liberal arts background.</p>

<p>Which of those sounds right to you?</p>

<p>I am looking for a professional school for journalism. Although the school at self is important, I want to also make sure that there is a lot of fun that occurs on and off campus when you dont have a class or over the weekends. How is the student life?</p>

<p>I’d vote for Syracuse. I’m applying there too. Their program seems pretty amazing.</p>

<p>Pro is Newhouse. I loved my Newhouse experience though, so I’m biased and my description was biased. </p>

<p>There’s always something fun going on on campus. When I wasn’t in class, I actually spent most of my time off campus. But I’m atypical. Most students hang out at frats or at least in walking distance of campus. And even though I spent most of my time “off the hill” as they say, I didn’t really like the city of Syracuse.</p>

<p>The field of journalism is much more about experience these days as opposed to education. That being said, the Northeastern co-op program could be really beneficial for a career as a journalist.</p>

<p>Someone I know at Emerson hates it there, especially since the programs are lackluster.</p>