<p>I narrowed down my schools to Syracuse, American, Vermont, and Northeastern. I was accepted into the Business program at each, and I would like to major in Business and minor in Computer Science. </p>
<p>I really liked Vermont but am worried about both its reputation and it's business program not appearing to be as solid as these three other schools. American also looked pretty cool, and DC seems fun, and their Kogod business school is ranked 28 by BusinessWeek, but it seems like the least liked out of these schools. Syracuse has a nice campus and tons of activities but the students seemed too into Greek life and partying and acted like preps and jocks. Northeastern doesn't have as much of the campus feel that I want, and I would consider it more if it wasn't a 5 year program, but since Syracuse and American value internships so much, Northeastern's co-op seems to be very good, plus it's ranked 27 by BusinessWeek.</p>
<p>What do you mean least liked? Do YOU like it? That’s what matters. I don’t think computer science is particularly strong at American; I’ve never even heard anyone mention it. Business is actually pretty good and DC is a good place for business internships (especially if you are looking at a degree with a concentration in international business). It’s also very easy to double major across colleges at AU. But you’d have to check out their computer science program.</p>
<p>Northeastern’s students can choose either a 4 or 5 year program. The four year program has one six month co-op assignment. But if you didn’t get a good vibe from the campus it may not be the right fit for you. </p>
<p>As an Alum I can tell you that NU has one the Boston B-School Beanpot Competitiion 10 of the last 13 years (including the last 5). MIT participated in the past, but I guess they got tired of losing. ;)</p>