Syracuse vs. Maryland vs. NYU

<p>I'm a high school senior looking to go into magazine or online journalism. I have applied to Syracuse, University of Maryland, and New York University and I don't know which program would most prepare me for the field of journalism. I'm looking to do a minor or another major in design or business so I want a school that would make doing this easy. My journalism adviser really wants me to go to NYU, but I don't want to shovel out that much money for my undergrad. Right now, my number one choice is University of Maryland because it's right outside D.C. and closer to my home in PA. Thank you for any opinions you might have on this matter.</p>

<p>I don’t know much about NYU’s journalism school…I myself was accepted to both Syracuse and Maryland for journalism. While Syracuse is typically regarded as higher, Maryland’s terrific too. I ended up choosing Maryland (before I even heard back from Syracuse yet); each was about the same distance from me but I preferred being in warmer weather and being right outside of D.C. over being in snowy upstate NY. I don’t regret the decision, I love UMD. But I’m sure journalism-wise you can’t go wrong with Newhouse at Syracuse either.</p>

<p>@dannerz 23</p>

<p>We are in the same. I also applied for magazine major in both SU and UMD and still can’t decide whether where I should go.</p>

<p>But I think that the NYU and SU’s tuition is equal.</p>

<p>Maryland is in a great area especially being near a city compared to Syracuse. My brother is at UMD and absolutely LOVES the journalism program there. Go Terps!</p>

<p>Ok so update: I’ve been accepted to SU with a scholarship that makes it like $10,000 A YEAR!! I ****ted my pants and I typed it in the calculator a million times and I still can’t believe it. Seriously. I still can’t believe it. I was also accepted to NYU but I didnt get into their J program and I have not yet heard back from UMD but I won’t get a scholarship from them Because I didn’t apply by the priority deadline; however, I think I could bargain with them to get the cost lower…. Anyways. I’m still not sure where to go. I really don’t want to go to snowy, freezing cold new york, even though their program may be more well regarded. I want to go to UMD, but I can’t afford the out of state tuition and I fear that I’ll be treated like an outsider because I’m not from md. Help!</p>

<p>@creamania have you heard back from them yet?</p>

<p>Dannerz23, you definitely won’t be treated like an outsider at UMD because you’re not from Maryland. Do you know how many people that are from NJ or NY that go there? It’s insane. Go Terps!</p>

<p>I second reglob, you will absolutely not be treated as an outsider. No one will care whether you’re from MD or not.</p>

<p>I chose Syracuse!! Thanks for the advice!</p>

<p>Syracuse absolutely! The journalism school is #1 in the country. Congrats!</p>