<p>I would love to go to college in upstate New York and would like to learn more about these 2 colleges. Which college is better for science and engineering? Which has a better social scene? Which is better overall? Any answers would be deeply appreciated </p>
<p>Both are great schools. Syracuse is more known for being sporty and greek, big school spirit, U Rochester much so the opposite. Rochester has great science and engineering programs, and I think Syracuse’s are also good as well (although Syracuse much more known for business). Syracuse is also much bigger (21k students compared to 9k)</p>
<p>Rochester has a more “intellectual” vibe but Syracuse is probably more exciting in a social kind of way. </p>
<p>Syracuse is easier to get into than Rochester but they both have excellent academic quality.</p>
<p>Syracuse #1 Party School by the Princeton Review. That is all you really need to know</p>
<p>I agree with Ctesiphon!</p>
<p>If you are looking for science and engineering with parties (not so much sports, but they are there), then pick URoc.</p>
<p>If you are looking for parties and sports with science and engineering then pick Syracuse.</p>
<p>You can “succeed” from either college as long as you do the work, of course. It’s a matter of fit. They are very different schools.</p>
<p>Have you looked at SUNY Buffalo, they have some good scholarships for high stats.</p>
<p>Rochester is a great university. Actually, the sports scene at UR isn’t completely MIA. Women’s varsity basketball is is very competitive.</p>