Syracuse Waitlist class of 2027

Hi All- I was waitlisted for college of arts and science so I figured I would start a tread for folks on the waitlist. There seems to be a history of some movement off of the waitlist so hopefully we can track here as folks start to hear or don’t hear back.

My D23 was waitlisted from Newhouse for Television, Radio and Film. It’s been our most surprising college decision since both parents are alums and she attended the Pre-College filmmaking program over the summer so definitely demonstrated interest. She’s a strong student and has been accepted to three top 10 film schools. She opted into the waitlist but hasn’t sent a letter of continued interest yet since she’s still a bit angry about it four days later.

SU is a popular destination for my daughter’s high school, 38 classmates applied this year according to Naviance. She told me last night that her friends who applied were waitlisted too. Last year, about two-thirds got in.

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S23 is in a similar spot. Architecture application, did the per-summer course last year with them. We’ve visited the campus as well as admissions and SoA interviews, attended another SoA event in Boston. His grades and tests are not elite but solidly in the upper 50% for SU. Yet got a WL decision. We would have happily applied ED but are semi-reliant on FA and there were too many stories about Syracuse not meeting EFC to make us comfortable doing that.

Similarly - 4 days later I think he’s still a little bit angry. He’s opting into the WL but like many will mentally move on and revisit on the off-chance he gets “the call”.

Fortunately similar to your daughter he got pretty good offers from some other schools, it’s just mentally a difficult pivot.

Like they say, love the school that loves you back. Just tough not to feel like even if SU comes back it’s not because you were the back-up girlfriend/boyfriend. :slight_smile:

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I go to a small private school and the senior class is about 92 kids this year. About 30 of them applied to Syracuse as well (some ED and some regular decision). Syracuse has not been kind to us this year as no one got in ED(mostly rejected) and a handful of waitlists this year with only one admit that I am aware of. I too demonstrated interest and went to a Syracuse summer program last year. I did not ED but it had become my top school. I have several other acceptances and rejections but this is the one I wanted the most. It has definitely been an interesting admission year.

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We couldn’t ED either because of the financial unknown. But maybe like a longtime boyfriend, we took it for granted that she would be accepted! Naviance considered it a safety school and her grades placed her near the top of the academic profile.

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My daughter accepted her WL position as well but is still reeling a bit from the rejection. Her counselors were certain she was a shoe-in. We are out of state and had 3 kids from her large high school apply to SU. One ED who was accepted but received no merit or aid so cannot attend. Other two (daughter included) were waitlisted. Daughter applied for Maxwell. Best of luck to all. Thanks for starting this thread–I logged on today hoping to find one!

D23 is waitlisted as a psychology major. We were shocked because we expected admission (all probability calculators called it a safety school for her), but I see now that we’re in good company! We visited the school last summer and loved it, and she has opted in to her waitlist spot, but has mentally moved on and is planning to attend University of Oregon in the fall. They have a great psych program, offered her merit money, and it’s close to home (we live in WA). She received a surprising number of waitlists and rejections - it’s been quite a crappy admissions experience overall!

If Syracuse offers her a spot along with some merit, we would consider, but she’s not holding her breath.

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Same here. High stats kid told by all of our college advisors that SU would be a yes and waitlisted, for the 2nd major. We do not need aid, but even so, we are not holding our breath - have to figure out what next steps will be. As this is our last one to go through this process I can say it was a strange, frustrating, and sometimes infuriating 5 months.


Thank you for starting this thread. My daughter was also waitlisted for the College of Arts and Sciences, for Forensic Science. We have some visits planned to the schools she was accepted to and she will commit by May 1st to another school. We know the waitlist is a longshot but are hopeful that she may have a chance. Good luck to everyone!


Just curious if anyone has heard anything regarding waitlist. I know 2 years ago they started taking folks off the waitlist in mid April and last year was the beginning of May so just wanted to see if anyone has been admitted off the waitlist or heard anything from admissions. Good Luck to All.


Nope, not a word on waitlist

Spoke to admissions last week and they said people should prob start to be notified end of first week in May if they are offered a spot.


If they are admitted, is there another admitted students day that they can attend?

I can’t speak if Syracuse is different than other schools I’ve read about but most other schools I’ve followed it seems pretty consistent that you get the email and you have 48 hours +/- (I’ve heard as long as a week as well) to make a decision and submit a deposit. No additional admitted student event. They’re looking to fill those last few spots and want to know in pretty quick order who is in or not and move to the next person on the list if someone doesn’t accept.

I wonder how soon people will start hearing about the waitlist?

Given the low numbers that Syracuse has historically taken from WL and the fact that CC is a small subset of all the applicants - even if there is movement off the WL, we many never learn of it here.

Hi all- from what I have heard, they will begin to assess their numbers over the next few days and will then determine which waitlist students meet the open needs. They will then review each of those students again to determine which waitlist students they will make an admissions offer to. Students will start to hear either late this week or early next week. Of course the said this is always subject to change but they tend to close the waitlists by June. Hopefully a few folks who are on CC will hear and post so that we know there is some movement.


Someone at my son’s school already heard back today and offered a spot

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Terrific news. We still haven’t heard of anyone in our area.

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