Syracuse's National Ranking

Im a little confused about how US News ranks SU. From what people say, a few years ago Syracuse was in the top 50 for universities in the United States, but not it is 58. Why did its rankings decline? Do you think SU will ever reclaim a spot in the top 50? Is it still prestigious despite the ranking drop?

Ranking doesn’t matter. Especially if you’re going to Cuse for Newhouse. I know that everyone looks at those kinds of things–I did too. But at the end of the day no one is going to think less of you because your college wasn’t on some random rankings list. What should matter is if the school is a good fit for you. Cuse is well-known enough to get you places and has really awesome programs in a variety of subjects. Don’t worry about the name, worry about the level of education.

just because a school isn’t in the top 50 doesn’t mean its not prestigious

It’s bounced around from the high-40’s to the low 60’s in recent years. Any of those single years are meaningless. You need to look at schools within a band if you even want to compare rankings. As stated previously, fit for you and programs are more important than overall ranking. Syracuse has many excellent, nationally recognized programs of study, and other more average programs. Whether it’s good for you depends on what you want to do.

Syracuse has a very committed alumni network which is probably among the top 10-15 alumni networks in the country. This can prove more important to your career than rankings, depending on where you end up and the # of alums in the area.

@Cameron121 @virsha24 @Syracuse19 thanks for all the feedback, i dont really look into rankings much but an alumni from syracuse said that their rankings dropped so i was wondering if something drastic happened at the university or something, but obviously not! its a great school and im definitely applying to major in public relations and business management or finance :slight_smile:

I’ve got three answers to your question: 1) I concur that in the end rankings don’t matter so much. Rather, does the school name have job market pull and other graduate schools respect or not? SU has tremendous respect on both counts. 2) The previous chancellor at SU avowed that she could really care less about college rankings. This has impacted the universities rankings today. Many believe the new chancellor is going to work to enhance SU’s rankings. 3) My son is a double major at Whitman and Newhouse and absolutely loves it. I can assure you from the descriptions he’s conveying of what he’s learning, the special activities they do at these colleges, and how these colleges conduct themselves my direct impression has been that these colleges definitely feel like they’re top tier.