T-Mobile Service at Virginia Tech

<p>Does anyone know how T-Mobile service is at Virginia Tech? Do you get plenty of signal? How is the service inside the dorms and classrooms?</p>

<p>I'm just trying to decide whether or not I should switch to a different carrier.</p>

<p>My son will be a junior and used T-Mobile fr and so years. He describes the service as ‘decent.’ Signal is better in some dorms than others and pretty bad in classrooms. Verizon has the most reliable service according to most.</p>

<p>I had T-mobile my freshman year and it was alright. I guess I had a 3 bar average. I switched to Verizon my sophomore year though so I don’t know if it’s changed. But the general consensus in Blacksburg is that Verizon gets the best reception usually 4/5 bars (which I can verify) and AT&T has the worst reception. T-mobile is somewhere in the middle but I didn’t have that many complaints that I remember. </p>

<p>Just a heads up, all reception will suck in dorms and during football games. I can’t any calls or data through during football games obviously because there are 65,000 additional people in the area at those times using a couple of cell towers.</p>

<p>If you don’t know already, AT&T bought t-mobile so by next year I’m assuming the signal should improve when they fully acquire t-mobile.</p>

<p>anyone know if you get 3g and/or 4g in blacksburg with t-mo?</p>

<p>Verizon is the only consistent carrier on campus. However once you’re off campus they all work fine, so if you have a poor carrier in the area of Blacksburg it’ll only be the first year if you live off-campus year 2+.</p>

<p>^ T-Mobile gets pretty crappy service in Foxridge, and the University Mall area (Kroger, the empo, etc). Also various places in Christiansburg, like Walmart & Target. Only when I’m inside of the stores though. Those are the only places I can think of right now though.</p>

<p>I have a Google g2 now so I get better service than when I didn’t have a smart phone. I can manage to get signal in some buildings and places on campus, but other places it’s pretty hopeless trying to get signal (Whittemore and West End are two buildings I can think of off the top of my head). I don’t have too much of a problem accessing internet with my phone in most places either.</p>